Wednesday, December 25, 2019
A Guide to Cause and Effect Essay on Divorce Introduction Samples
A Guide to Cause and Effect Essay on Divorce Introduction Samples There are a couple steps which you can utilize to assist you draft a cause and effect essay. Cause and effect essays are a breeze to write, just stay focused and attempt to make impact through your words and through using evidence. Cause and effect is among the most frequent types of essays. Generally, there are 3 kinds of cause and effect essays. More often you will need to select your own cause and effect essay topic. A cause and effect essay is the kind of paper that the writer is using to analyze the causes and effects of a specific action or event. Make a list of potential topics that you would like to describe in your cause and effect essay. Writing a superb essay about cause and effect is simpler than it might seem. Unluckily, the effect of alcoholism isn't restricted to the abuser only but in addition, it produces adverse results on the family members and friends of the abuser. Adding children to the divorce creates a completely different collection of effects to the procedure. There are 3 common impacts on children, they're depression, behavior difficulties and financial hardship. Secondly, on the opposite hand, another effects of rise in divorce prices are positive consequences. Topic selection is critical to compose the most suitable essay. Do a little research in case you do not know anything about the topic assigned. Your topic needs to be based on logic and you ought to create a logical connection between the events. Once more, based on the content you've got to provide, the essay ought to be organized to suit your information efficiently and neatly. Now you can begin your essay writing. Your essay has to prove your thesis statement. Don't be afraid to speak to our Essay Writing Service and skilled essay writers will gladly assist you with your assignment. Individuals have the opinion it owns negative impacts on kids and social development while some individuals claim that divorce is a pure phenomenon in your life. Divorce impacts the lives of the married couple in lots of ways, as they are now individuals rather than partners. In the event you need your customized cause and effect essay accomplished by a non-native English speaker, you will create that option and we're going to provide you with a writer best suits your writing needs. Usually, you'd be given a specific scenario in which an action occurred. Cause and effect is a typical approach to organizing and discussing ideas. If you'r e writing about World War I, for instance, mention the political, cultural, and historical aspects that caused the fantastic war. On the flip side, all body paragraphs will be similar in some manner. Conclusion plays a main part in receiving the readers impression in the event of essays. An effective Conclusion usually means that you are in possession of a well-developed comprehension of the subject. The ending of your introduction paragraph ought to be a thesis statement. Though divorce is frequently a psychologically difficult procedure, adults can cope with the consequences. Based on the childs age as soon as the divorce happens, is dependent on how much trauma that child will endure. Nonetheless, the rates of unemployment trend to continually increase as a consequence the divorce rates may also rise. Nonetheless, the rates of unemployment often continually increase as a consequence the divorce rates also raise. Divorce causes children to experience many of mixed emotions. She can put a lot of strain on a child and cause them to become stressed. She is considered controversial. She has become a considerable problem because of the reasons we have discussed above, and divorce has become a good reason to the problem.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Raised in the Devils Eyes Essay example - 1585 Words
Raised to be a war machine against the lives of millions of innocent abnormal; this was the life of a typical German child in the late 1930’s to the early 1940’s. The Nazis knew that education was a key to their success and used their power to control the education system; everything was taught under strict Nazi curriculum. Nazis succeeded greatly in their education system because if they failed, then less people would have followed them and more would have been able to rebel against their events of the Holocaust. Background  · â€Å" In the 1930s the Nazis created a party-controlled education system. Everything was controlled from the types of teachers were hired/fired, the curriculum, the grading scale, and even who passed and who†¦show more content†¦Ninety seven percent of the teachers in Germany joined the Nazi Teacher’s League, and those who didn’t still had to teacher under Nazi rule and ideology. If they did not, then they were fired and sent to labor camps.†(Southey) ( â€Å"The Nazis knew that if they took control of the education system and taught kids at a young age then they would be successful. Bates 3 People obey much better and perform at levels up to three times better than their normal performance when they are under the fear and pressure of arrest, physical punishment, and losing their life, job, and family.†(Kaiser) People are much more susceptible to betraying others and ignoring the crimes done to others when there is a benefit that for themselves for doing so. Hitler offered teachers and students a better education and pay aside from an overall better life for the hatred toward Jews. By teaching Aryan students that they were of higher social power and acceptance to God, they were more willing to follow Hitler and it gave an incentive toward the extinction of the â€Å"impure†.  · Kid’s parents may not have followed Nazi beliefs and in that case, my have taught their children differently so they did not follow in the Nazis foot steps. Kids in high school could have rebelled and disregarded what they learned in school. If the kids did not follow Nazi ideology they were expelledShow MoreRelatedThe Devil s Arithmetic By Donna Deitch1453 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"As long as we remember, all those gone before are alive inside us†(Devil’s). The Holocaust was a time of distress for millions of innocent people. The film, The Devil’s Arithmetic, depicts the Holocaust in a manner that is appropriate but teaches about the tragedies. It was directed by Donna Deitch, produced by Lee Gottsegen, Fred Weintraub, and Murray Schisgal, and screen-written by Robert Avrech. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
A Comprehensive Analysis of Between the World and Me, a Book by Ta
A Comprehensive Analysis of Between the World and Me, a Book by Ta-Nehisi Coates Essay In Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates, Coates recounts his life in the United States to his son by providing him a letter in which he conveys how life is and the hardships faced when living in a black body. The overlying theme in the novel that portrays such a lifestyle is the disembodiment of African Americans through American social structure. American social structure causes blacks to live in fear and causes them to be skeptical of America. Being disembodied means to be detached from your own body. It causes individuals to feel stood against; to feel useless; to feel as if they are not a part of the world. By encompassing around the theme of disembodiment, Coates is able to show the destruction of the black community and teach his adolescent son the realities of being black in the United States. In this paper, I will be providing examples on how the black communities were disembodied through exploitation and how it led to their destruction. American social structure has created fear to arise in black communities due to the injustices they face and the social stigma inflicted upon them. Coates displays this when he first mentions the idea of police brutality. He states, â€Å"The destroyers will rarely be held accountable. Mostly they will receive pensions†¦All of this is common to black people. And all of this is old for black people. No one is held responsible†(Coates, 2015, 9). Black communities should not be used to this idea of inequality and injustice when it comes to American policies. They have to deal with these issues to the point where they already know who the case is going to favor; whites. Not only is this police brutality, it is racial discrimination. Blacks are disembodied and pushed aside. â€Å" is a kind of terrorism, and the threat of it alters the orbit of all our lives and, like terrorism, his distortion is intentional†(Coates, 2015, 114). Their voices are always left unheard. A merica is known to be a country of equal protection, but in cases of African Americans, they are not. Laws do not protect them as they should and blacks are aware of this unsettling nature. Coates demonstrates this when he states, â€Å"The law did not protect us. And now, in your time, the law has become an excuse for stopping and frisking you, which is to say, for furthering the assault on your body†(Coates, 2015, 17). Police officers tend to escape from any legal issues regarding the treatment of civilians. Police do not have the right to administer any harm upon someone during an investigated scene initially. They have set rules to follow and officers tend to abuse this authority they have over citizens. It creates the police system to be unjust and violates its dictum in â€Å"keeping people safe†. This further leads to disembodiment, as blacks feel unwanted with such mistreatment. They are fearful of whites and authoritative abuse. Furthermore, Coates also menti ons how he had to â€Å"adapt†new ways to survive and not be disembodied in the streets. He had to learn to protect himself and â€Å"shield body†(Coates, 2015, 23). Coates â€Å"memorized a list of prohibited blocks learned the smell and feel of fighting weather†(Coates, 2015, 23). As a concerned black man, he had to be prepared and had to know where aggression took place. He also wrote to his son, â€Å"When I was about your age, each day fully one third of my brain was concerned with who I was walking to school with, our precise number, the manner of our walk, the number of times I smiled†¦I practiced the culture of the streets, a culture concerned chiefly with preserving the body†(Coates, 2015, 24). He is aware of every step he takes and of his appearance. He knows how other African Americans see him, and how white people see him. This concern also shows the way fear ran in the everyday lives of African Americans. Coates is aware that racis m is not gone, and he wants to protect his son. Even as an adult, Coates had to deal with disrespect when a white man yelled at him, â€Å"‘I could have arrested you’†(Coates, 2015, 94) for defending his son to walk wherever he wants. White people are aware of the divide between races and choose to take advantage of it. Blacks lack the chances in life that other ethnicities obtain and because of this, their lives are surrounded by fear. He â€Å"confess that afraid. And no God to hold up†(Coates, 2015, 113). Coates uses these instances to show the brokenness of the black community to teach his son about the realities of life in a black body. He wants to prepare his son for the unreasonable but encourage him to move forward without fear despite such hardships he will face. .u1e8a884cd119dcc67f6ffbcabd27af4d , .u1e8a884cd119dcc67f6ffbcabd27af4d .postImageUrl , .u1e8a884cd119dcc67f6ffbcabd27af4d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u1e8a884cd119dcc67f6ffbcabd27af4d , .u1e8a884cd119dcc67f6ffbcabd27af4d:hover , .u1e8a884cd119dcc67f6ffbcabd27af4d:visited , .u1e8a884cd119dcc67f6ffbcabd27af4d:active { border:0!important; } .u1e8a884cd119dcc67f6ffbcabd27af4d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u1e8a884cd119dcc67f6ffbcabd27af4d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u1e8a884cd119dcc67f6ffbcabd27af4d:active , .u1e8a884cd119dcc67f6ffbcabd27af4d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u1e8a884cd119dcc67f6ffbcabd27af4d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u1e8a884cd119dcc67f6ffbcabd27af4d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u1e8a884cd119dcc67f6ffbcabd27af4d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u1e8a884cd119dcc67f6ffbcabd27af4d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1e8a884cd119dcc67f6ffbcabd27af4d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u1e8a884cd119dcc67f6ffbcabd27af4d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u1e8a884cd119dcc67f6ffbcabd27af4d .u1e8a884cd119dcc67f6ffbcabd27af4d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u1e8a884cd119dcc67f6ffbcabd27af4d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Entrepreneurship EssayNot only has fear arose in black communities living in the United States, but the American social structure has also led blacks to be skeptical of the nation. The United States is seen as a country that protects everyone and is home of the American Dream, however, it fails to convey this aspect. This nation has created a history of destroying black bodies and minds. Coates refers to it as a â€Å"system that makes your body breakable†(Coates, 2015, 18). He reminds his son, â€Å"Here is what I would like for you to know : In America, it is traditional to destroy the black body – it is heritage†(Coates, 2015, 103). People never r ealize the truth behind America given its viewing as an exceptional country and because of this, American never accepts their offenses. It is not the nation Coates expected it to be. Instead, he sees it filled with hatred and crime. He states, America believes itself exceptional, the greatest and noblest nation ever to exist, a lone champion standing between the white city of democracy and the terrorists, despots, barbarians, and other enemies of civilization†¦ And it is so easy to look away, to live with the fruits of our history and to ignore the great evil done in all of our names. But you and I have never truly had that luxury (Coates, 2015, 8-9). Due to this disillusionment, black communities in the United States have become skeptical about America. If it were to follow its standards then African Americans would feel accepted and would be treated as a part of the world. Coates also disputes about American schooling and how it has false misperceptions as well. â€Å"I loved a few of my teachers. But I cannot say that I truly believed any of them†¦I sensed the schools were hiding something, drugging us with false morality so that we would not see, so that we did not ask: Why-for us and only us-is the other side of free will and free spirits an assault upon our bodies?†(Coates, 2015, 26). Coates’s questions were never answered given that others were never concerned with curiosity. Americans were taught what they had to be taught excluding concerns and overlooking reality, portraying America with this sense of disbelief. Coates only wants what is best for his son and informs him that he is: â€Å"†¦a black boy, and must be responsible for body in a way that other boys cannot know. Indeed, must be responsible for the worst actions of other black bodies, which, somehow, will always be assigned to . And must be responsible for the bodies of the powerful – the policeman who cracks with a nightstick will quickly find his excuse in furtive movements†¦ to make peace with the chaos, but cannot lie. cannot forget how much they took from and how they transfigured very bodies into sugar, tobacco, cotton and gold†(Coates, 2015, 71). Coates does not want his son to grow up facing these lies and does not halt to recount the actualities of what he will eventually approach. He says, â€Å"I did not want to raise you in fear or false memory. I did not want you forced to mask your joys and bind your eyes. What I wanted for you was to grow into consciousness. I resolved to hide nothing from you†(Coates, 2015, 111). Coates does not want his son to grow up believing that the idea and dream of America is â€Å"just†, so he reminds him of the truth and how it has cost black bodies. Growing up in a world of hate disembodies an individual, and this is exactly how Coates and black communities feel in America. They do not feel the need to be there and feel empty apart from everyone else given the mistreatment they face from authority and other races. Ta-Nehisi Coates focuses on the theme of disembodiment in the American social structure to further illustrate how it has destroyed black communities and to disclose the realities of living in a black body in the United States to his adolescent son. By doing so, he is preparing his son for the injustices and oppressions that he will ultimately have to become reconciled with and encourage him to move along forward to live an untroubled life that is not bounded with fear.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Neurophysiology Lab Report Essay Sample free essay sample
Activity 1: 1. What was your ascertained threshold electromotive force?Our ascertained threshold electromotive force at 3 V at a individual stimulation. 1. How does this following comparison to the 1 that was generated at threshold electromotive force? When we increased the threshold by 0. 5 V the tracing was indistinguishable to the original 3 V threshold. 1. What grounds can you give for your reply?There needed to be a more important difference for there to be a large adequate alteration in the threshold electromotive force.1. At what electromotive force did you no longer detect an addition in the extremum of the action possible hint. We no longer observed an addition in extremum of action possible hint at the 3. 5 Voltage. Activity 2-4: 1. What did you detect when the glass rod contacted the nervus? When the glass rod contacted the nervus there was an instant warp of the line. There was action potency on the osciloscope. 1. How does this following comparison with the other tracings you have generated? The tracing was the exact same result as the other tracings except there was no added electromotive force merely the add-on of the glass rod. We will write a custom essay sample on Neurophysiology Lab Report Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 3. What did you detect when the het glass rod contacted the nervus? There was an instant warp of the line similar to the line caused by the non-heated glass rod. 4. How does this hint comparison to the hint that we generated with the unwarmed glass rod?The tracing of the het glass rod on the nervus was somewhat a spot higher at its’ maximal extremum and somewhat lower at the lowest extremum than the tracing of of the non heated glass rod. 5. What did you detect when you added Na chloride and hydrochloric acid solutions to the nervus?Once sodium chloride and hydrochloric acerb solutions were added to the nervus there was a warp of the line and caused action potency.1. Sum up your experimental consequences: What kinds of stimulations can arouse an action potency?Any stimulations that can make above the 3 Voltage can arouse an action potency. Activity 5: 1. What are the effects of quintessence on the nervus?The effects of the quintessence on the nervus is that it causes the nervus to hold no action potency.1. How long did it take for the nervus to return to normal?It took the nervus 6 proceedingss to return back to normal. Activity 6: 1. What consequence did adding tubocurarine have on the action potency? The consequence of adding tubocurarine was that it created action potency to the nervus.1. Explain this consequence.The consequence of tubocurarine is paralysing the action potency of the nervus. It interferes with the neuromuscular junction. it interferes with the Acetyl Choline and it depolarizes it. 1. What do you believe would be the overall consequence of tubocurarine on the being The overrall consequence of the tubocurarine on the being is that it prevents the flow nerve cell urges from nerve cell to neuron. Activity 7: 1. Department of energies adding Lidocaine to the nervus generate an action potency? No. adding Lidocaine does non bring forth action potency.1. Explain why Lidocaine has this consequence on nervus fibre transmittal. Lidocaine is a sodium channel adversary that neutralizes the action potency of nervus and prevents the Na channels from opening. Activity 8: Record Your Data: Nerve|Earthworm ( little ) |Frog( medium. myelinated ) |Rat nerve 1( medium. unmyelinated ) |Rat nerve 2 ( big. myelinated ) |Threshold voltage|5. 0 V|3. 0 V|3. 0 V|3. 0 V|Elapsed clip from stimulation to action potential|5 m/sec|1. 61 m/sec|2. 53 m/sec|1. 0 m/sec| Conduction velocity|8. 60 m/sec|26. 71 m/sec|17. 00 m/sec|45. 74 m/sec| 1. Which nervus in the group has the slowest conductivity speed? The angleworm had the slowest conductivity speed.1. Which nervus of the four has the fastest conductivity speed? The rat nervus 2 had the fastest conductivity speed.1. Explain the relationship between nervus size and conductivity speed. The smaller the nervus size the slower the conductivity speed. The larger the nervus size the faster the conductivity speed. 1. What are the physiological grounds for this relationship? The physiological grounds for this relationship are the larger the axon’s diameter is. the less opposition there is for the flow of currents and hence countries can be brought to the threshold faster. 1. What are the effects of myelination on conductivity speed? Myelination speeds up the conductivity speed.1. What are the physiological grounds for you decision?The physiological grounds for our decision is that it provides insularity and allows the current to be faster.7. What are the evolutionary advantages achieved by the myelination of nerve cells? The evolutionary advantages achieved by myelination of nerve cells is that you can pack more power in smaller infinites with medullated nerve cells.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Pop Music - Not Progressive as Once Thought(TM) essays
Pop Music - Not Progressive as Once Thought(TM) essays The 1980s brought a new generation of fads and trends that changed the whole world, and most trends were set by the music industry. People emulated the style their favorite stars put off and were basically following everything a music star would do. This kind of praise for a music star has been going on for many decades, even back in the 1960s with The Beatles Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band and the new mod style. Also, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin and The Doors are credited with the hippie lifestyle back in the 1960s and early 1970s. Yet, as time passed from the 1970s to the 1980s, music seemed to become more about which advertisers could capitalize the most on popular stars instead of the true meaning behind the words and what the music stood for to the artist. Music grew less progressive and more commercial from the 1970s to the 1980s due to the onset of the MTV generation, media propaganda, and the money hungry music industry. Since the launch of MTV in August of 1981, music changed from the freedom of artistic expression to advertisement filled commercialism. An example of this would be that when in the 1980s, some felt that the average music video would lose the music and be more focused on the story, image and style that improved the look of the music star or stars (Torr 192). This shows that not only was music beginning to lose the true meaning behind the words, visual effects were more important then the sound itself. This also shows that videos had become more important than the song itself and was the more important element in making the song process. Another example of MTV commercialism is shown through some of the actions of Michael Jackson, such as his Motown 25 performance where he performed the moonwalk, his Pepsi TV commercial, and his selling of the song Revolution to Nike for another TV commercial (Entertainment Weekly 93, 96, 101). All of these events took place from 19...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Biography of Sam Houston, Founding Father of Texas
Biography of Sam Houston, Founding Father of Texas Sam Houston (March 2, 1793–July 26, 1863) was an American frontiersman, soldier, and politician. As commander of the forces fighting for Texas’ independence, he routed the Mexican troops at the Battle of San Jacinto, which essentially won the struggle. Over his long career, he was a successful and effective statesman, serving as congressman and governor of Tennessee and the first and third president of the Republic of Texas, before becoming a U.S. senator and governor for the state of Texas. Fast Facts: Sam Houston Known For: After winning the Battle of San Jacinto, which effectively won the Texas War of Independence, Houston was the founding statesman of Texas, serving as the first president of the Republic of Texas, then a U.S. senator and governor for the state of Texas.Born: March 2, 1793 in Rockbridge County, VirginiaParents: Samuel Houston and Elizabeth (Paxton) HoustonDied: July 26, 1863 in Huntsville, TexasEducation: Minimal formal education, self-taught, founded Cherokee school, read law in Nashville under Judge James TrimblePositions and Offices: Attorney general for Nashville Tennessee, U.S. congressman for Tennessee, governor of Tennessee, major general of the Texas Army, first and third president of the Republic of Texas, U.S. senator for Texas, governor of TexasSpouse(s): Eliza Allen, Diana Rogers Gentry, Margaret Moffette LeaChildren: With Margaret Moffette Lea: Sam Houston, Jr., Nancy Elizabeth, Margaret, Mary William, Antoinette Power, Andrew Jackson Houston, William Rogers, Te mple Lea HoustonNotable Quote: Texas has yet to learn submission to any oppression, come from what source it may. Early Life Houston was born in Virginia in 1793 to a middle-class family of farmers. They went West early, settling in Tennessee- which was, at that time, part of the western frontier. While still a teenager, he ran off and lived among the Cherokee for a few years, learning their language and their ways. He took a Cherokee name for himself: Colonneh, which means Raven. Houston enlisted in the American army for the War of 1812, serving in the west under Andrew Jackson. He distinguished himself for heroism at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend against the Red Sticks, Creek followers of Tecumseh. Early Political Rise and Fall Houston soon established himself as a rising political star. He had allied himself closely to Andrew Jackson, who in turn came to see Houston as a protà ©gà ©. Houston ran first for Congress and then for governor of Tennessee. As a close Jackson ally, he won easily. His own charisma, charm, and presence also had a great deal to do with his success. It all came crashing down in 1829, however, when his new marriage fell apart. Devastated, Houston resigned as governor and headed west. Sam Houston Goes to Texas Houston made his way to Arkansas, where he lost himself in alcoholism. He lived among the Cherokee and established a trading post. He returned to Washington on behalf of the Cherokee in 1830 and again in 1832. On the 1832 trip, he challenged anti-Jackson Congressman William Stanberry to a duel. When Stanberry refused to accept the challenge, Houston attacked him with a walking stick. He was eventually censured by Congress for this action. After the Stanberry affair, Houston was ready for a new adventure, so he went to Texas, where he had purchased some land on speculation. He was also charged with reporting to Jackson about the political climate and events in Texas. War Breaks out in Texas On October 2, 1835, hotheaded Texan rebels in the town of Gonzales fired on Mexican troops who had been sent to retrieve a cannon from the town. These were the first shots of the Texas Revolution. Houston was delighted: by then, he was convinced that Texas separation from Mexico was inevitable and that the fate of Texas lay in independence or statehood in the United States. He was elected head of the Nacogdoches militia and would eventually be appointed major general of all Texan forces. It was a frustrating post, as there was little money for paid soldiers and the volunteers were hard to manage. The Battle of the Alamo and the Goliad Massacre Sam Houston felt that the city of San Antonio and the Alamo fortress were not worth defending. There were too few troops to do so, and the city was too far from the rebels east Texas base. He ordered Jim Bowie to destroy the Alamo and evacuate the city. Instead, Bowie fortified the Alamo and set up defenses. Houston received dispatches from Alamo commander William Travis, begging for reinforcements, but he could not send them as his army was in disarray. On March 6, 1835, the Alamo fell. All 200 or so defenders fell with it. More bad news was on the way, however: on March 27, 350 rebel Texan prisoners were executed at Goliad. The Battle of San Jacinto The Alamo and Goliad cost the rebels dearly in terms of numbers of soldiers and morale. Houstons army was finally ready to take the field, but he still had only about 900 soldiers, far too few to take on General Santa Annas Mexican army. He dodged Santa Anna for weeks, drawing the ire of the rebel politicians, who called him a coward. In mid-April 1836, Santa Anna unwisely divided his army. Houston caught up with him near the San Jacinto River. Houston surprised everyone by ordering an attack on the afternoon of April 21. The surprise was complete and the battle was a total rout with 700 Mexican soldiers killed, about half of the total. The other Mexican soldiers were captured, including General Santa Anna. Although most of the Texans wanted to execute Santa Anna, Houston did not permit it. Santa Anna soon signed a treaty recognizing Texas independence which effectively ended the war. President of Texas Although Mexico would subsequently make several half-hearted attempts to re-take Texas, independence was essentially sealed. Houston was elected the first president of the Republic of Texas in 1836. He became president again in 1841. He was a very good president, attempting to make peace with Mexico and the Native Americans who inhabited Texas. Mexico invaded twice in 1842 and Houston always worked for a peaceful solution; only his unquestioned status as a war hero kept more bellicose Texans from open conflict with Mexico. Later Political Career Texas was admitted to the United States in 1845. Houston became a senator from Texas, serving until 1859, at which time he became governor of Texas. The nation was wrestling with the slavery issue at the time and Houston was an active participant in the debate, opposing secession. He proved a wise statesman, working always toward peace and compromise. He stepped down as governor in 1861 after the Texas legislature voted to secede from the Union and join the Confederacy. It was a difficult decision, but he made it because he believed that the South would lose the war and that the violence and cost would be for naught. Death Sam Houston rented the Steamboat House in Huntsville, Texas in 1862. His health took a downturn in 1862 with a cough that turned into pneumonia. He died on July 26, 1863, and is buried in Huntsville. The Legacy of Sam Houston The life story of Sam Houston is a gripping tale of rapid rise, fall, and redemption. His second, greatest ascent was remarkable. When Houston came west he was a broken man, but he still had just enough prior fame to immediately take an important role in Texas. A one-time war hero, he prevailed again at the Battle of San Jacinto. His wisdom in sparing the life of the defeated Santa Anna is considered to have been crucial to sealing Texas independence. Through this second rapid rise, Houston was able to put his more recent troubles behind him and become the great man that had seemed to be his fate as a young man. Later, Houston governed Texas with great wisdom. In his career as a senator from Texas, he made many prescient observations about the Civil War that he feared was on the nations horizon. Today, many Texans consider him among the greatest heroes of their independence movement. The city of Houston is named after him, as are countless streets, parks, and schools. Sources Brands, H.W. Lone Star Nation: The Epic Story of the Battle for Texas Independence. Anchor Books, 2004.Henderson, Timothy J. A Glorious Defeat: Mexico and its War with the United States. Hill and Wang, 2007.Kreneck, Thomas H. â€Å"Houston, Samuel.† The Handbook of Texas Online| Texas State Historical Association (TSHA), 15 June 2010.Sam Houston Memorial Museum.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Oppian Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Oppian Law - Essay Example ing to discuss Livy’s account of Roman women demonstrating against Oppian law and Baldson’s view of the Roman women in relevance to the Oppian law (Bauman 30). According to Schroeder (80), women’s demonstration and persistence enabled them to obtain repeal against the Oppian law despite facing opposition from various consuls who supported the law. Such consuls included Marcus, Publius, among others. The matrons blockaded every entrance to forums, as well as streets in the city. They neither cared about the orders from the counsel and husbands nor the shame since Roman women were prohibited from participating in forums and politics. The women wanted to have their luxurious lives back arguing that the state was thriving. They also wanted to take part in forums. The number of demonstrating women grew in numbers from towns to villages. They tried to solicit magistrates, consuls and praetors to join them in their course. Consul Cato did a marvellous representation that encouraged more women crowds on the streets, and this led to their victory with the repealing of the law. In Livy’s writing, we see that women have evolved from being submissive to fearless and bold individuals. They dared to go against their men’s wishes and came out in large numbers to fight for what they wanted. According to Bauman’s (53), women have changed since the 1960s. In the ancient Rome, women were assigned specific roles, such as giving birth, spinning, weaving, managing domestic arrangements, and not wondering in the streets or attending festivals. They were not allowed to uncover their heads, unless in the presence of their husbands alone. They often got married when young; thus, they had little time to have a good time to enjoy life. They were not exposed to contraceptives, and so they underwent crude and unclean ways of abortion. The rich women were overtaxed with the aim of taming them. The modern Roman woman is more confident and aggressive in fighting for liberty through
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Simulation Of Routing Protocols Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Simulation Of Routing Protocols - Essay Example Furthermore, the simulation has 50 nodes in a 1500m*300m area. Nodes move according to the random way-point model. If we analyzed then we come to know that for unattended sensor networks energy consumption is the significant metric, for it maps in a straight line to network operational lifetime. In order appreciate energy use we scrutinize existing ad hoc routing protocols using models of energy expenditure and radio dissemination for the Lucent Wave LAN direct sequence increase spectrum radio by IEEE 802.11-1997. We primary only regard as energy cost outstanding to packet transmission or reaction. We calculated energy consumption of four ad hoc routing protocols (AODV, DSR, DSDV, and TORA) by a straightforward traffic model in which a only some nodes send data over a multi-hop path. By this energy model we originate that on-demand protocols such as AODV and DSR consume much fewer energy than a priori protocols such as DSDV (the shady bars in Figure 1). This makes sagacity since a priori protocols are continually expend energy pre-computing routes, even although there is no traffic passing on th ese routes (S. Ahn and A. U. Snakar, 2001, pages 56-66). Decentralization: Decentralized thoughts resides ... It's an essential idea for approaching authority, distributing rights and responsibilities additional extensively from top to bottom. Decentralization has took away lots of decision making procedure from centrally controlled authorities. Decentralization tendency carry on by the proliferation of lots of computer gadgets, similarly, notebook computers, palmtop computers. In computational web, decentralization has become part of computing environment which is connected jointly, similarly, fax machines, telephones, and television. Aims: The major aim of this project is to evaluate the performance of the StarLogo environment by simulating a variety of routing protocols in an Ad hoc network. Also, evaluating and checking the effectiveness of routing protocols in simulated environment with modify in the mobility model. What Effect Does A Change Of Mobility Model Have On The Effectiveness Of Routing Protocols In Ad Hoc complex Since it is unfeasible to evaluate the behavior of the network if the traffic nodes run out of energy previous to the transit nodes, we give traffic nodes inestimable energy. Traffic nodes follow the similar mobility model as transit nodes, but they do not run GAF or forward traffic. Since we treat traffic nodes particularly, we do not count them when exposure the number of nodes in the simulation. According to the above figure the comparison of non-zero energy node segment over time: CEC, GAF and plain ADOV under dissimilar network mobility. If we analyzed then we come to know that Traffic load is 20pkts/s. Dissimilar traffic loads do not influence the outcome. In the fable, "CEC,x" means running CEC by silence time x, so is "GAF,x". CEC also demonstrate a
Sunday, November 17, 2019
JSBMHA and HIPPA case study Essay Example for Free
JSBMHA and HIPPA case study Essay There are many faults in this scenario that I read about with Jim and Betty. First of all, when you are dealing with people who are in a â€Å"counseling or any type of therapeutic†setting, you have to be able to handle this situation with privacy and always try to treat your client with respect and never discuss them outside of the clinical setting. The HIPAA laws are to protect the patient’s rights so that they cannot be given just out to anybody. The only people that can have access to the medical files would be someone that is involved in the care of or needs to have access to them for anyone that is billing, or the insurance company that is paying for the services that the client is receiving. What areas of the JSBMHA did HIPAA compliance impact, When Jim and Betty were working for that company, they had unfortunately talked about specific clients and some relatives of the clients had heard the conversation and also their relatives names. They had immediately gone to the company and talked with their supervisor so he could deal with the employees that had broken the privacy laws. JSBMHA, is an certified agency that works with clients that have psychological, mental, and addictions for drugs. THE clients need to be able to feel safe, knowing that their conversations are not talked about elsewhere, unless it is related to their recovery. What Jim and Betty did at the cafeteria is inexcusable. You never know who is going to be listening in on your conversation when you are in a public place. If the wrong people hear what is being said, you never know what the ramifications could be. If a woman is at a domestic violence shelter and you are talking about what she went through with her ex-boyfriend , not knowing the whole time that the ex is in the booth right behind you. Right there you have just put that women in a dangerous position. Without thinking you have just put that woman’s life in jeopardy. 3 I believe that because of their actions that JSBMHA should suspend both of them for at LEAST two weeks without pay. I believe with that type of punishment, maybe both of them will really think about what they did and why it was inappropriate. Maybe they should even write a paper on how their actions were wrong and also be able to see how they’re gossiping put that woman in jeopardy. They need to really understand how their actions can affect other people. ‘
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Alien Attack :: essays research papers
It was a day like any other day in Decatur, except for the constant rumble coming from the sky. Nobody knew what it was. After awhile the rumble had turned into a low, discrete roar. A little girl named Emma, who lived in a ranch home heard these noises as well, and woke her mother up. Both being terse, not talking a lot, new something bad was about to happen. Emma was trying to be diffident, hoping nothing bad happens, about this unusual situation. After all of the confusion of the sounds, the town went quiet and nothing happened. Although later that night a UFO disembarked from the dark and dreary sky. This UFO landed in manure, animal excrement used to enrich land, of a farm. All of the towns people including Emma and her mother reconnoited, scouted out, around the crash sight. Starring at this gigantic structure, a flap came down on the fresh manure, and coated every body. Through the smoke came out an imp, a small demon, who stood on the ramp for an extended period of time. The alien made a sibyl, lispy sound, screeching sound that was extremely loud. Out came hundreds of aliens from the UFO. More of them came out as the people ran. Some of the aliens were scintillant, things that sparkle, and others were grandiose, uncommon size, and freighting to look at. When the chase was over Emma arrived back home without harm, but her mother she could see was supine, lying on her back. To Emma, her mother was very devoted, sincere, and gave care to Emma. Emma’s grandmother came over to care for Emma, and to bring her over to her home. The towns people started a cabal, group of people joined in a common cause, about this â€Å"alien attack.†This cabal was started because there was a decry, strong disapproval, about how aliens will not take over. One day two people approached the UFO, the flap came down, and out came the same alien as before. The alien wanted one of them to step forward. a detarded, one who commits a cowardly act, man pushed the woman f orward. The woman was comatose, state of non-responsiveness, about what to do. That alien turned out to be a surrogate, person appointed to act in place of another. The woman walked in, and a minute later walked out.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Dave the Black Boy-Man: Anger
Introduction In his article, Zinnias (1993) says, without creativity, advertising could not exist, and due to its nature, creativity is hard to be measured. In his opinion, any advertising campaigns succeeded Just because they â€Å"break commonly accepted rules of what a commercial message should be or say'. As everyone knows, with creativity, practitioners could produce totally different and uncommon advertisements, while what about the rest of them?This paper is being written for discussing and impairing three different video advertisements of beer. Moreover, doing a further discussion about creativity in advertising, to find out whether advertising could still exist without creativity, and both the positive and negative sides. 2. Creativity in Advertising What is creativity? According to Darwinian and Jeweler (201 1), creativity advertisements are ads which make relevant connections between products and target audience and present commercial ideas, â€Å"in an unexpected way'.C reativity in Advertising is differing from that in other domains, due to the existence of products ND target audience. No matter what advertisement it is, it should serve the product or service, to increase its popularity or selling. That is how creativity in advertising cannot be like art creativity which could be whatever the artists like. The first paid newspaper advertisement is an announcement for selling estate in 1704 (Bishop 2013). After reading the text of that ad, we can tell that at the beginning of advertising, there was no creativity.Publishers Just expressed their selling messages directly. While in modern society, why creativity seems so important for advertising? Due to the development of global economy and technology, people have seen enough advertisements, especially ads of different brands in one same category. The use of creativity is to catch people's attention, make them know the brand better than any others. Back to the topic, is it real that in modern world, advertising could not exist without creativity, or should it be advertising sometimes could be more effective with creativity? . Examples 4. 1 Carlton Draught – The big ad The big ad for Carlton Draught is an advertisement full of creativity. It matches the heartsickness of creativity which is â€Å"in an unexpected way' (Darwinian and Jeweler 2011). This ad used the scenery Just like in the movie Lord of the Rings, the effective use of magnificent view and music catches audience's attention right from the beginning. The funny lyric does not tell audience what ad it is until â€Å"for Carlton would cause people's negative feelings. However in this ad, audience is already curious about the product.Furthermore, it describes men's desire for Carlton Draught when the â€Å"body' and â€Å"beer†run towards each other. This ad with creativity is tie memorable thus audience would hardly forget this ad and product. What is more important, is consumes' positive emotion on t his ad would turn into the emotion on the product. That is how advertisements with creativity could be effective. 4. 2 Heinlein – not expensive This is an old ad of Heinlein. Compare to the former one, this ad does not have creativity in it. This ad is more like an ordinary beer ad which expresses the commercial message in an ordinary way.This Heinlein ad describes the process of a man drinking Heinlein. It shows the characteristics of beer well. The purpose of this advertisement is to make audience eel desire for beer by effectively use scenes like beer flowing and water on the bottle. However, it is not that memorable as the Carlton Draught ads because it shows what any beer is. Consumers would not be able to remember this ad and its product over time. Moreover, the biggest problem of this ad is that it does not match its slogan which is â€Å"not that much more expensive†.This ad does not make full use of creativity as â€Å"the big ad†does, to make audience easily remember and like this brand. 4. 3 Toasting Beer – Space ship Comparing to the former two ads, this beer ad from China does try to use creativity. However, this ad could be any other brand or even any other product because it delivers the selling message in a common and expected way and the â€Å"creativity' (a space ship) in it is really not relevant. It uses extremely normal commercial message when it tries to make audience feel they want to drink beer.And it tries to use a space ship flying over to impress the audience. It is an ad without creativity since the whole advertisement expresses the message in a very ordinary way. However, this kind of ads without creativity help this brand remains one of the top sellers for recent years (USDA 2010). The reason of this phenomenon is that, this brand is a very old brand in China and it already has great brand awareness. The use of this ad is to enhance consumers recall of the brand (Till and Aback 2005), and it works. 4. Advertisements with creativity 5. Advantages The creativity in advertising brings several advantages. First of all, advertisements with creativity could make audience remember the products much more easily. About the products. For example the Carlton Draught ad, audience would feel like watching a movie (Kenya 2007). This helps to make them remember this ad, thus remember the product much more easily. Secondly, ads with creativity will hardly cause audience's negative feelings. Since there are already numerous advertisements in modern society, most people do not like ads keep showing around them.The consequence of consumers' negative feelings on the ads is that they will have negative emotions on the product or service and normally people will not choose the brand they do not like. The advertisements with creativity could ratify this issue by making consumers like the ad thus like the brand. 5. 5 Disadvantages Although creativity in advertising is effective, it still has some drawb acks. Sometimes, practitioners over emphasize the creativity part and forget that the ads should be relevant between brands and target audience. It will make people confused and difficult to understand the ads.If audience cannot understand what the ad is trying to tell, they would not get the selling messages properly, and it would not fit the function of advertisements (Cover et al 1995). Furthermore, unlike ordinary ads, a creative ad is usually more difficult to produce and express. A wonderful creativity like Carlton Draught ad needs a group of practitioners' wisdom and hard work to design and to implement. . Advertisements without creativity Advertisements without creativity are those who tell the commercial messages in expected ways, namely ordinary ads or normal ads.As the ad of Toasting Beer proves, advertisements do exist without creativity. 6. 6 Advantages Hegel said â€Å"all that is real is rational†, in this case, ordinary ads also have their advantages. Ordinary ads are much easier to design, produce and implement. Because they do not require for a large group's brain storm, normal ads are usually cheaper than creative ads. Moreover, due to the fact that it does not have creativity inside, an ordinary ad could fulfill the function of advertising, which is to tell target audience the commercial messages, in a direct way. 6. Disadvantages Comparing to advertisements with creativity, the disadvantages of ordinary ads are obvious. Firstly, audience ignores ordinary ads (SCM 2012). People think these ads are boring and sometimes even forget about them. Secondly, ordinary ads can hardly possible. When it happens, ads could not even fulfill its basic function which is benefit claim. Thirdly, ordinary ads are all similar, especially ads of the products in the same category. Therefore it would be much more difficult for consumers to remember the ads and the products after watching them.So that normal ads would hardly be effective. The most importan t one is sometimes practitioners and publishers like to repeat the same short ads which have only a few words three or more times continuously. This method does help to make people remember the product. However, it will always cause peoples negative feelings. Negative feelings sometimes could be used for deeper promotion (Young 2006), however, sometimes are quite deadly and needs practitioners to be risky. . Conclusion Ultimately, it is widely accepted that the creativity is an important component of advertising.With the element of creativity, the practitioners could make successful ads and advertising campaigns. The creativity could be beneficial to the broadcast and benefit claim of the products, services or concepts. On the other hand, at the right beginning of advertising activities, there were only simply notifications without any creativity, and they still had the basic function of ads. This evidence shows that advertising could still exist without creativity. These ordinary a ds are rational and sometimes are also useful based on different brands' backgrounds and current situations.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Consumer Buying Behavior for Life Insurance
Consumer buying behavior is nothing but their needs, which arouse them to buy. There is hierarchy of need from high level to low level. They initiate to buy their high level need after completed that they move for another need. Consumers 1st recognize their need or problem then gather information about that product. They get many alternatives regarding that product then they evaluate each and every criterion, which give them bundle of attribute towards that product. Now they choose among one of them to buy and they make decision to buy that product. There are some factors influence them to buy.These are cultural factor, social factor and demographic factors. ? Culture factors include their region, culture and their social classes, which is based on their education and occupation. ? Social factors include reference, groups and family, which influence them to buy according to their choice. People buy product according to its role and status. ? Demographic factors includes age group, pe rsonality, occupation, life style etc. people buy product according to under comes all these factors. Introduction Insurance has got its origin from the concept of Indemnity.Indemnity against to loss, it has occurred due to some unavoidable circumstances. To some, the concept of insurance has got its origin related to the uncertainty in the life. Uncertainty has been the integral part of everyone's life, be the uncertainty in terms of money, uncertainty in terms of life etc. Throughout the tenure every other individual's effort is directed towards avoiding this uncertainty. The concept of insurance has got its origin from this very effort of avoiding the uncertainty. Though it is not possible to avoid the uncertainty, it is highly possible to compensate the loss, which has occurredVIGNANA JYOTHI INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, HYDERABAD Page 6 CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOR FOR LIFE INSURANCE POLICY due to happening of this uncertainty. This compensation of unavoidable circumstances (uncertainty ), which has occurred, is known as Insurance. It is the pooling of funds by many to compensate the loss of few, whereby many individuals pool themselves together to create a fund in order to compensate the loss that has occurred to the few. Insurance as we know today can be traced to the Great Fire of London which, in 1666 AD, destroyed 13200 houses.In the aftermath of this disaster, Nicholas Barbon opened an office to insure buildings. In 1680, he established England's first fire insurance company, â€Å"The Fire Office†, to insure brick and frame homes. Gradually the concept of insurance came to be understood as a contract that offered the purchaser protection against the financial loss due to specific incident. Since the risk of financial loss was to be spread amongst the large group of people, the extent of financial loss, In the event of mishap occurred, became less devastating to the individual.Though the concept of insurance is old as history of mankind, back to some 6 000 years, it got its presence registered in India somewhere in 1818 with opening up of Oriental Life Insurance Company in Calcutta by Europeans. During those years Indians were considered as substandard and they were forced to give high premium on account of their low profile. However with the continuous effort of few eminent people Indians were later considered as of equal status and they were charged the normal rate, at par with the Europeans.This was majorly due to the establishment of first Indian life Insurance company, Bombay Mutual Life Assurance society in the year 1870. Later on the development of Indian life insurance industry was more fired by the patriotic sentiments and gave rise to number of Indian life insurance companies viz. United India in Madras, National Indian and National Insurance in Calcutta and the Co-operative Assurance at Lahore were amongst those company which was formed to treat the Indian populace at par.With increase in the pressure from Indian intell ect, to give the Indian Insurance industry an organized structure, Government of India was forced to pass Life insurance Companies act, 1912 and Provident Fund act. But this was not the end to the suffering of Indian populace that even this act recognized the demarcation between the Europeans and Indian while charging the premium, then came the act of 1938 which not only governed the Life Insurance Industry but also had its spread VIGNANA JYOTHI INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, HYDERABAD Page 7 CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOR FOR LIFE INSURANCE POLICY to the Non life Insurance Industry.With the increase in atrocities from all these companies, the demand to amend the prevailing act of 1938 assumed velocity. Thus in the year 1956 the act was passed as Life Insurance Corporation act, 1956 on 19th June, 1956 which called for nationalization of all the Insurance company working in India under one name as Life insurance corporation of India (hereafter LIC). Thus LIC was formed on 1st September 1956, wit h an objective to spread life insurance especially in rural areas as a mean to provide the protection cover to the life of Indian populace and as tool to help them in the time of financial need at a reasonable cost.Till 1999 LIC was the only life insurance player in Indian Life Insurance field, when government of India decided to amend the then prevailing act prohibiting the private life insurance player to enter the Indian market. It was Insurance Regulatory Authority, 1999 (IRA) that gave the freedom the private players to play in the field. But the basic motive for introducing such an act was not fulfilled as the amended act was meant for only regulation purpose only and not as a development tool and hence the act was further modified to add the element of development to the concept and thus came the current prevailing act i. . Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA), 1999. It was further amended to incorporate the element of competitiveness. Thus Government of Indi a via IRDA permitted the private Life Insurance player also to enter the Indian field; and made some provision for foreign insurance companies that if they want to enter the Indian market they can do so but to the extent of 26 % of share only with any of Indian partner. Today almost 15 private life insurance companies are working India, some in wholly owned format and some as a joint venture with foreign company or with Indian company.Together they hold the market share of approx. 24 % in life insurance market. Still LIC holds the kingship with almost 76 % of market share. That's the good news for the LIC people on one part but on another aspect if we deal that shows the pace at which the private life insurance companies are moving, they are defiantly going to give the tough fight to LIC. The leadership lies not in getting the maximum out of market share but it is there somewhere in understanding the reason for the choice of one product over another one. VIGNANA JYOTHI INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, HYDERABADPage 8 CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOR FOR LIFE INSURANCE POLICY Consumer hierarchy of needIt is important to understand the relevance of human needs to buyer behavior remember, marketing is about satisfying needs). Need as a physiological or psychological deficiency a person feels the compulsion to safety, suggesting that need creates tension that can influence a person’s work attitudes and behavior. Customers set an order for their needs from high level – low level need. They prefer 1st, which is most essential for them, after completed that, they give privilege to next need.There are five needs exist in a hierarchy – Need- Physiological needs such as food, air, water, heat, and the basic necessities of survival need to be satisfied. Safety -Need for a secure environment, protection and stability in the events of day to day’s life, Such as life insurance. It make people tension free about any risk at their life. Society- At the third level we meet our social and belongingness needs i. e. we marry, or join groups of friends, etc. person paying tax according to their income, feels the social responsibility and acceptance by society as a good citizen.Life insurance is also a part of the social needs, which reduce the tax and also cover the risk with the attribution of facilities towards plans. Esteem- Esteem means that you achieve something that makes you recognized and gives personal satisfaction, example writing a book, investment for family obligation or have a pension plan for support at future, which arise self respect insight a person. Self actualization – Self actualization is achieved by few. Here a person is one of a small number to actually do something.For example, Neil Armstrong self-actualized as the first person to reach the Moon. The study of how and why people purchase goods and services is termed consumer buying behavior. The term covers the decision-making processes from those that precede the p urchase of goods or services to the final experience of using the product or service. Models of consumer VIGNANA JYOTHI INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, HYDERABAD Page 9 CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOR FOR LIFE INSURANCE POLICY buying behavior draw together the various influences on, and the process of, the buying decision.They attempt to understand what happens within the consumer between his or her exposure to marketing stimuli and the actual decision to purchase. Characteristics of Indian consumer behavior The Indian consumers are noted for the high degree of value orientation. Such orientation to value has labeled Indians as one of the most discerning consumers in the world. Even, luxury brands have to design a unique pricing strategy in order to get a foothold in the Indian market. Indian consumers have a high degree of family orientation.This orientation in fact, extends to the extended family and friends as well. Brands with identities that support family values tend to be popular and accep ted easily in the Indian market. Indian consumers are also associated with values of nurturing, care and affection. These values are far more dominant that values of ambition and achievement. Product which communicate feelings and emotions†¦ What is insurance? Insurance is a policy from a large financial institution that offers a person, company, or other entity reimbursement or financial protection against possible future losses or damages.The meaning of insurance is important to understand for anybody that is considering buying an insurance policy or simply understanding the basics of finance. Insurance is a hedging Instrument used as a precautionary measure against future contingent losses. This instrument is used for managing the possible risks of the future. What is life insurance? Life Insurance is the key to good financial planning. On one hand, it safeguards your money and on the other, ensures its growth, thus providing you with complete financial well being.Life Insur ance can be termed as an agreement between the policy owner and the insurer, where the insurer for a consideration agrees to pay a sum of money upon the occurrence of the insured individual's or individuals' death or other event, such as terminal illness, critical illness or VIGNANA JYOTHI INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, HYDERABAD Page 10 CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOR FOR LIFE INSURANCE POLICY maturity of the policy. Life insurance plans, unlike mutual funds, are beneficial when you look at them as a long term avenue of investment which also offers protection through life cover. Life insurance policies are broadly categorized into two Types- Traditional Plans ? Unit Linked Insurance Plans (ULIPs) Traditional planTraditional policies offer in-built guarantees and define maturity benefits through variety of products such as guaranteed maturity value. The investment risk in traditional life insurance policies is borne by life insurance companies. Additionally, the investment decisions are regulate d to a large extent by IRDA rules and regulations, ensuring stable returns with minimal risk. Investment income is distributed amongst the policy holders through annual bonus. These policies are ideal for policy holders who are not market savvy and do not wish to take investment risks.Term planTerm Insurance helps the customers in safeguarding their families from financial worries that rise due to unfortunate circumstances. Term plans are pure risk cover plans with or without maturity benefits. These pure risk plans cover your life at a nominal cost Term plans also let you avail the benefit to cover your outstanding debts like mortgage, home loan etc. In case of something happens to you, the financial burden is borne by the insurance company and not your loved ones. VIGNANA JYOTHI INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, HYDERABAD Page 11 CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOR FOR LIFE INSURANCE POLICYTerm plan offers following benefits? High insurance Cover at lower costs ? Financial security against loans and mortgages, ? Single premium payment option available Whole life policy? As the name suggests, a Whole Life Policy is an insurance cover against death, irrespective of when it happens. ? Under this plan, the policyholder pays regular premiums until his death, following which the money is handed over to his family. Endowment policyCombining risk cover with financial savings, endowment policies is the most popular policies in the world of life insurance. In an Endowment Policy, the sum assured is payable even if the insured survives the policy term. ? If the insured dies during the tenure of the policy, the insurance firm has to pay the sum assured just as any other pure risk cover. ? A pure endowment policy is also a form of financial saving, whereby if the person covered remains alive beyond the tenure of the policy; he gets back the sum assured with some other investment benefits. In addition to the basic policy, insurers offer various benefits such as double endowment and marriage/ education endowment plans.The cost of such a policy is slightly higher but worth its value. Money back policy? These policies are structured to provide sums required as anticipated expenses (marriage, education etc) over a stipulated period of time. With inflation becoming a big issue, companies have realized that sometimes the money value of the policy is eroded. That is VIGNANA JYOTHI INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, HYDERABAD Page 12 CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOR FOR LIFE INSURANCE POLICY why with-profit policies are also being introduced to offset some of the losses incurred on account of inflation. ?A portion of the sum assured is payable at regular intervals. On survival the remainder of the sum assured is payable. ? ? In case of death, the full sum assured is payable to the insured. The premium is payable for a particular period of time. Annuities and pensionIn an annuity, the insurer agrees to pay the insured a stipulated sum of money periodically. The purpose of an annuity is to protect against risk as well as provide money in the form of pension at regular intervals. Over the years, insurers have added various features to basic insurance policies in order to address specific needs of a cross section of people.ULIP planUnit linked insurance plan (ULIP) is life insurance solution that provides for the benefits of risk protection and flexibility in investment. The investment is denoted as units and is represented by the value that it has attained called as Net Asset Value (NAV). The policy value at any time varies according to the value of the underlying assets at the time. In a ULIP, the invested amount of the premiums after deducting for all the charges and premium for risk cover under all policies in a particular fund as chosen by the policy holders are pooled together to form a Unit fund.A Unit is the component of the Fund in a Unit Linked Insurance Policy. The returns in a ULIP depend upon the performance of the fund in the capital market. ULIP investors have t he option of investing across various schemes, i. e. , diversified equity funds, balanced funds, debt funds etc. It is important to remember that in a ULIP, the investment risk is generally borne by their investor. Life insurance companies in IndiaIn India, Insurance is a national matter, in which life and general insurance is yet a booming sector with huge possibilities for different global companies, as life insurance premiums ccount to 2. 5% and general insurance premiums account to 0. 65% of India's GDP. The Indian Insurance sector has gone through several phases and changes, especially after 1999, when the Govt. of VIGNANA JYOTHI INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, HYDERABAD Page 13 CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOR FOR LIFE INSURANCE POLICY India opened up the insurance sector for private companies to solicit insurance, allowing FDI up to 26%. Since then, the Insurance sector in India is considered as a flourishing market amongst global insurance companies. However, the largest life insurance com pany in India is still owned by the government.Top 5 life insurance Company in India? Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC): This remains the largest insurance company in India and is owned by the government. In 2008, LIC accounted for 64 percent market share. Although it is still the market leader, the company has to battle against the innovative strategies and better sales force of private enterprises. Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) registered an 83 per cent increase in new business income in March 2010, while private players posted a 47 per cent growth in new business premium. ICICI Prudential Life Insurance: This life insurance companies has attracted a loyal customer base with great customer support and a wide range of cheap policies to choose from. ? Bajaj Allianz general Insurance: This private company has been rising steadily in terms of market capture. It now sells the second most number of insurance policies in India after LIC and has been growing at a fast pace since 2006. ? Birla Sun Life Insurance: This Company has played its cards well. It offers a variety of insurance policies for the customers to choose from, provides them with attractive deals and offers great customer service and support.There is no reason why people shouldn’t prefer this one. VIGNANA JYOTHI INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, HYDERABAD Page 14 CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOR FOR LIFE INSURANCE POLICY ? SBI Life: Though a little slow on the marketing propaganda, SBI Life has been consistently growing in the Indian life insurance market because of good service and a great brand image. Consumer perception for life insurance – According to the need life insurance is the second need of people, because nobody knows about future. Life is suffering from full of risk and incidents. Nobody knows that what would be a financial condition in coming time.To be secure about future people are speedily holding insurance policy. Insurance is actually a protection against economic l oss, by sharing the risk with others. â€Å"Consumers need Life Insurance because typically the need for income continues for those who are financially dependent on them, but there is no guarantee of their ability to earn consistently and for the rest of their life. Life insurance can help them safeguard the financial needs of their family. This need has become even more important due to steady disintegration of the prevalent Joint family system and emergence of nuclear families.The need to protect their family's ever growing needs is why they need Life Insurance†. Consumer buying behavior for buying life insurance policyA consumer buying behavior starts from need/requirement for product, then evaluation about product and decide product, which gives better satisfaction then take decision for buying. ? Need- Need or requirement is a primary model for buying a life insurance. A need arouse people to act of buy. Different person have different purpose for buying life insurance s uch as: investment for future security or family obligation (children education, children marriage) or risk cover.If there are individuals who depend on you for financial support, or if you work at home providing your family with such services as child care, cooking, and cleaning, you need life insurance. Older couples also may need life insurance to protect a surviving spouse against the possibility of the couple's retirement savings being depleted by unexpected medical expenses. And individuals with substantial VIGNANA JYOTHI INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, HYDERABAD Page 15 CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOR FOR LIFE INSURANCE POLICY assets may need life insurance to help reduce the effects of estate taxes or to transfer wealth to future generations. Information search- After recognize need, they search for limited amount of information regarding loyal companies, and its plan according to their desire. At the next level the person may enter an active information search: looking for regarding insu rance, phoning friend, go online, meet to salesman and advertisement are rich source to gather information. ? Evaluation of alternatives- Having information about many companies, they evaluate which company giving better plan according to their’ admire within the budget. Second they look for certain benefits from the policy and stability of company.Third customer see Each insurance as a bundle of attributes with varying abilities for delivering the benefit sought to satisfy their need such as: ? ? Face Value  The original death benefit amount. Convertibility  Option to convert from one type of policy to another (whole life), usually without a physical examination. ? ? ? ? Cash Value  The savings portion of a policy that can be borrowed against or cashed in. Premiums  Monthly, quarterly, or yearly payments required to maintain coverage. Beneficiary  The individual(s) or entity (trust) that is designated as benefit recipient.Paid Up ††A policy requiring no further premium payments due to prepayment or earnings. ? â€Å"Customers evaluate all positive and negative point of services according to importance and give preference to a better plan provided by company. †Purchase decision-. In the evaluation stage, customer form preference among the company, full filling their requirements. But there are few factors, which can divert consumer mind set. ? Other person can make them advice for another investment like: share market, bond, mutual fund and bank deposit or other alternatives. VIGNANA JYOTHI INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, HYDERABAD Page 16CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOR FOR LIFE INSURANCE POLICY ? ? ? ? ? ? ? An unsatisfied policy holder can divert their mind. Customer is not getting a loyal salesperson. Customer is influenced by perceived risk for losing money. The policy is not giving up as ones expected. They attracted for other best investment. Ones may be a policy holder and not getting benefit as ones expec ted, so he is not getting decision for buy. Customer may be from rural area, he is not getting belief at company cause of conservative thinking. â€Å"If Customers get satisfaction struggling from these all factor, then they make decide for buy insurance policy. The Purchase Decision The purchase decision in general is prompt by number of factors viz. Psycho graphical, Economical, Social, Political legal and Demographical.The list is not exhaustive but it is sufficient to have the deep understanding of the factors influencing the decision. Psycho graphical Factors are those factors, which includes the behavioral aspect of the individual viz. lifestyle, living standard. Here purchase decision in influenced by those issues that affect the lifestyle of the consumer or in the other that reflects the status. For e. g. purchase decision related to buying of car and that to Mercedes Benz. Talking specifically to the insurance sector, here customer will buy only that policy that has got hi gh premium or that type of policy which company is promoting to limited high-income level group only. For e. g. â€Å"Classic Life premier†policy of Birla Sun life insurance is meant for only those individual who can pay at least Rs. 25000/- per annum. Economical factorEconomical factors affect the purchase decision by influencing the issues pertaining to money and income level of the individual.Consumer will buy only that product which will not have any VIGNANA JYOTHI INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, HYDERABAD Page 17 CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOR FOR LIFE INSURANCE POLICY negative effect on his pocket. For e. g. decision to buy an insurance policy is influenced by the deepness in the pocket. Social factorSocial factor affect the purchase decision by influencing the issues pertaining to social beliefs and morals. Person influenced by group and their family members. They buy mostly same plan from same company whether their friends or family members have it.Some time if ones want to buy a new plan from other companies, their family member remorse them to buy it. Political factorsPolitico legal is the macro level environment. It effects in a way, say IRDA has restricted the sale of Key Man Insurance policy through Term Plan only. Demographic factorDemographical factor is that factor which has got the maximum of its effect in the purchase decision of the product and especially if that product is life insurance product. It is so because these factors incorporate other above said factors and includes those factors that can influence the buying decision to maximum extent viz.Occupational factor (service/business), Age factor, Gender, Marital status factor and Income level etc. It cannot be denied that buying decision of the individual who is unmarried and is into business, having the income level of the range Rs. 2. 4 lakhs per annum, is into the age group of say 25 years have the entirely different approach towards purchase of the life insurance policy with the individu al who is into service and is married, is into the age group of, say 35, and is earning Rs. 30000/- per month.Keeping the above phenomena under consideration a study was conducted to know exactly to what extent Demographical factor has got its influence in purchase decision of the life insurance product. VIGNANA JYOTHI INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, HYDERABAD Page 18 CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOR FOR LIFE INSURANCE POLICY The Study This study, which was conducted in the city of Bangarmau (Utter Pradesh), covered almost 50 individual of different status. The duration of the study was almost one month. The method which we used to collect the information was through questionnaire and personnel interview.The data so collected was grouped according to the company of the consumer's choice from where they have purchased the product and further it was analyzed that what was the demographic profile of that consumer and result was thus generalized. The study covered 50 individuals, of which 84 % were fo und insured and 16 % uninsured. Of the total insured 75% were from 21-45 age group and 25 % were from age group 46-60. It was 78 % of the male who was there in the total insured and rest 22% were female. Occupation wise 40 % of the total insured were into service and 60 % into business.Thus the overall penetration of companies in to the psyche of consumer buying preference (based on the customer's purchase of a company's life insurance policy) is given in the graph as under: Types of consumer- There are two kinds of customers according to their region? Urban customer? Rural customer- I did my research in rural area. It is my home town name is Bangarmau. I find that people having lack of knowledge and awareness about life insurance. Here insurance adviser playing a vital role to make them aware and convenience them for buying life insurance policy.In the exact word I can say that people don’t buy policy here, they buy belief of adviser. They buy it on the basis of reputation a nd loyalty of insurance adviser. Here customer do not worry about their security, they buy it as a investment, which should give them good return in very short of time. I find that if adviser does not push them for having life insurance, number of people would be very less to buy life insurance. VIGNANA JYOTHI INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, HYDERABAD Page 19 CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOR FOR LIFE INSURANCE POLICY The main factor is unawareness, that’s why they do not believe at Pvt Company.They have fear about lost their money, because they don’t know what IRDA is and what it is work. QuestionnairesI prepared 13 questionnaires to know about consumers’ perception for buying life insurance policy. 1-Whether you have life insurance policy? life insurance 50 40 30 20 10 0 yes No 8 yes No 42 2- As what purpose did you buy it? VIGNANA JYOTHI INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, HYDERABAD Page 20 CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOR FOR LIFE INSURANCE POLICY policy holder investment family obligation sa ving tax 10% 19% 71% 3-If yes, which company life insurance you have? COMPANYNO. OF POLICY (x-8. 4) HOLDER (x) S. D. LIC SBI Reliance ICICI Bajaj 26 4 6 0 6 17. 6 -4. 4 -2. 4 -8. 4 -2. 4 9. 11 I did survey around 50 people at Bangarmau. I find that consumer mostly prefer LIC for life insurance. Actually it is a business town and people do not have enough knowledge about regulatory authority, that’s why they do not believe on other Pvt. companies. I got above 60% people have policy of LIC out of 42 policyholder. VIGNANA JYOTHI INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, HYDERABAD Page 21 CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOR FOR LIFE INSURANCE POLICY Three more Pvt.Insurance companies are providing service at Bangarmau, but consumers are less responsive for those companies, it is less than 40 % customer hold by these companies. Mean for all these customer towards company is 8. 4 and standard deviation is 9. 11. 4-What was the source of medium, you buy it? T. V. Insurance adviser Other 6 34 2 Here customer do not go at company to buy policy, they always need a agent to make them understand about the better plans and companies, which is good service responsiveness. Those people belong to the service sector, they influenced towards TV and other sources for buying policy -What is the feature of your policy attracted to you? Low premium High risk coverage Money back guarantee Reputation of company Agents convictions 2 2 12 3 23 VIGNANA JYOTHI INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, HYDERABADPage 22 CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOR FOR LIFE INSURANCE POLICY Most of the policyholder in this region are businessman, they need only high growth of their money that’s why they maximum attracted by money back guarantee, but agent attracted them a lot. They make them understand better plans. Customer influenced by agents behavior and they believe upon company, what they suggest them. -Now you are satisfied with your policy? Satisfied Not satisfied Not respondent 36 4 2 7- People perception at appropriate age for buy ing life insurance policy? VIGNANA JYOTHI INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, HYDERABAD Page 23 CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOR FOR LIFE INSURANCE POLICY Age No. (X) Mean Standard deviation < 25 year 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65 above 3 15 12 5 5 2 0. 6 3 2. 4 1 1 0. 4 1. 07 5. 36 4. 29 1. 78 1. 76 0. 71 Customer belongs to 25 -45 maximum prefer the insurance policy sake of growth of money and saving the tax. People, who are less than 25 year are students,
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on Aaron Burr
Aaron Burr Burr, Aaron (1756-1836), third vice president of the United States (1801-5). Burr was born in Newark, New Jersey, on February 6, 1756, and educated at the College of New Jersey (now Princeton University), of which his father had been president. He joined the Continental Army in 1775 and rose to the rank of lieutenant colonel. Retiring in 1779 because of ill health, he was admitted to the bar in New York City in 1782 and achieved a reputation as one of the foremost lawyers of that city. Burr was appointed attorney general of New York in 1789 and served as U.S. senator from 1791 to 1797. He was a leader of the old Republican Party, which later became the Democratic-Republican Party, a position that brought Burr into conflict with his professional rival, the Federalist leader Alexander Hamilton. In the presidential election of 1800 Burr ran with the Republican candidate Thomas Jefferson. Each received the same number of votes in the electoral college, and, according to Article II, Section 2, of the U.S. Constitution, the election was decided by the House of Representatives, which chose Jefferson as president and Burr vice president. In 1804 Burr failed to win renomination as vice president and also failed to win the governorship of New York State because of the forceful opposition of Hamilton. Hamilton for years had attacked Burr publicly and privately, and Burr eventually challenged him to a duel. They fought in Weehawken, New Jersey, on July 11, 1804. Hamilton was killed, and Burr was discredited. He then became involved in a scheme that made his political recovery hopeless. The so-called Burr conspiracy still remains a mystery, because no one knows what Burr's intentions were. He purchased land in the newly acquired Louisiana Territory and apparently planned to invade Spa nish territory if, as expected, war developed between Spain and the U.S. His plan, allegedly, was either to establish a separate republic in the Sout... Free Essays on Aaron Burr Free Essays on Aaron Burr Aaron Burr Burr, Aaron (1756-1836), third vice president of the United States (1801-5). Burr was born in Newark, New Jersey, on February 6, 1756, and educated at the College of New Jersey (now Princeton University), of which his father had been president. He joined the Continental Army in 1775 and rose to the rank of lieutenant colonel. Retiring in 1779 because of ill health, he was admitted to the bar in New York City in 1782 and achieved a reputation as one of the foremost lawyers of that city. Burr was appointed attorney general of New York in 1789 and served as U.S. senator from 1791 to 1797. He was a leader of the old Republican Party, which later became the Democratic-Republican Party, a position that brought Burr into conflict with his professional rival, the Federalist leader Alexander Hamilton. In the presidential election of 1800 Burr ran with the Republican candidate Thomas Jefferson. Each received the same number of votes in the electoral college, and, according to Article II, Section 2, of the U.S. Constitution, the election was decided by the House of Representatives, which chose Jefferson as president and Burr vice president. In 1804 Burr failed to win renomination as vice president and also failed to win the governorship of New York State because of the forceful opposition of Hamilton. Hamilton for years had attacked Burr publicly and privately, and Burr eventually challenged him to a duel. They fought in Weehawken, New Jersey, on July 11, 1804. Hamilton was killed, and Burr was discredited. He then became involved in a scheme that made his political recovery hopeless. The so-called Burr conspiracy still remains a mystery, because no one knows what Burr's intentions were. He purchased land in the newly acquired Louisiana Territory and apparently planned to invade Sp anish territory if, as expected, war developed between Spain and the U.S. His plan, allegedly, was either to establish a separate republic in the Sout...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Identify Letter Blends - Teaching Dyslexic Students
Identify Letter Blends - Teaching Dyslexic Students Follow this lesson plan for children with dyslexia in early grades to teach and reinforce letter blends at the beginning of a word. Title: Letter Blend BingoGrade level: Kindergarten, first grade, and second gradeSubject: Reading/phonicsCore State Curriculum Standards: RF.1.2. Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes).Approximate time required: 30 minutes Objective Students will hear words that begin with consonant blends and correctly match them to the letters on a bingo card. Children with dyslexia have a hard time processing sounds and matching letters to their corresponding sounds. Multi-sensory activities and lessons have been found to be an effective way of teaching phonics and reading. As a practice, bingo is a fun way to help students listen for and identify common consonant blends. This lesson helps children learn blended letters through more than one sense. It includes sight by looking at the letters on the bingo board and, if pictures are used, looking at the pictures. It includes auditory because they hear the word as the teacher calls it out. It also includes touch by having the students mark off the letters as they are called out. Required Materials and Equipment Bingo worksheets (grids with five blocks across and five blocks down) with letter blends randomly placed in the blocks. Each worksheet should be different.Markers or crayonsList of words beginning with letter blends or flashcards with pictures of words beginning with blended letters. Activity The teacher reads a word and/or shows a picture of a word that begins with a letter blend. Saying the word out loud and showing a picture increases the multi-sensory experience of the game. Students mark the square on their bingo board of the letter blend that represents the beginning sound. For example, if the word was grape any student with the letter blend gr on their bingo card would mark that square. As each word is called out, students mark the square with the letter blend at the beginning of the word. When a student gets a straight or diagonal line, they have BINGO. The game can be continued by having the students try to get every block on their sheet filled or starting again with a different color marker. Alternative Methods Use worksheets with blank bingo boards on them and have the students write one letter blend in each block, making sure to use each letter blend only one time (let students know they will not use all of the letter blends). You may want to write the letter blends at the bottom of the worksheet for students to use for reference.Use smaller grids, with four squares up and four squares across and have four grids per page, allowing for four games of bingo.Use the entire alphabet and have students mark the beginning or ending sound of a word. Bingo cards can be customized to match your current lesson, for example, simple vocabulary words, ending consonants, or colors and shapes. Tip: Laminate bingo cards so they can be used more than once. Use dry-erase markers to make it easy to wipe off marks. Reference Letter blends commonly found in the beginning of words: ï » ¿bl, br, ch, cl, cr, dr, fl, fr, gl, gr, fr, pl, pr, sc, scr, sh, sk, sl, sm, sn, sp, spl, squ, st, str, sw, th,thr, tr, tw, wh List of possible words: Block, BrownChair, Clown, CrayonDragonFlower, FrameGlow, GrapePlane, PrizeScare, ScrapSkate, Sled, Smile, Snake, Spoon, Splash, Square, Stone, Street, SwingTruck, Twin
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Renewable Energy Resources Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Renewable Energy Resources - Dissertation Example The fuel could be in solid state, or in liquid or gaseous form, and the resulting energy could be electricity, heat or a combination of the two, depending upon the nature of the fuel and the energy needs. Utilisation of biomass for harnessing energy is a common trend that is growing as new methods for energy extraction are developing. In UK, the supply of biomass is limited. With the growth of the building industry, the demand of biomass energy is increasing, and hence, there is a need for an import of biomass in accordance with certain regulatory clauses. Constant effort is being made for a high quality and cost-effective import and utilization. Nevertheless, UK is the leading country in the sector of biomass consumption for the production of energy, especially for use in the building sector, in Europe. The Two-Stage Process: Harnessing the biomass energy is a two stage process. The first stage is the conversion of solar energy into chemical energy that is stored in the various fuel s used to produce biomass energy. This conversion takes place during photosynthesis. 1/10 of the solar energy incident on earth is stored as bio-energy, and out of this, 90% is stored in the wood of the trees, hence, making it the most common biofuel in the building sector. The key point here is to note that this stage removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, hence decreasing the amount of the greenhouse gas. No other renewable energy source has this feature to it.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Royal Air Force Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Royal Air Force - Essay Example Metamorphic success has its inveterate roots in the past history which makes people accept and adapt to the environment of Leaning process, training and ability. All these aspects play a vital role in the Royal Air Force to facilitate its members in the longer run in terms of training and learning to operate new apparatus and equipment. Change in the Royal Air Force has both positive and negative side to the picture. Both the facets of change should be considered to supplement information about the Royal Air Force. Different projects manifest the darker and denser version of reality in relation to change in the Royal Air Force. As Sir Michael Howard puts it"[The military] is like a sailor navigating by dead reckoning. You have left the terra firma of the last war and are extrapolating from the experiences of that war. The greater the distance from the last war, the greater become the chances of error in this extrapolation. Occasionally there is a break in the clouds: a small-scale conflict occurs somewhere and gives you a "fix" by showing whether certain weapons and techniques are effective or not but it is always a doubtful mix. . . . For the most part you have to sail on in a fog of peace until at the last moment. Then, probably when it is too late, the clouds lift and there is land immediately ahead; breakers, probably, and rocks. Then you find out rather late in the day whether your calculations have been right or not". ROBERTSON, 1998, Air Power Journal; Successful change and clear vision lay the foundation of handling affairs such as --. Managing Resources, Engaging Communication and Empowering. Future research is the essence of findings leadership Competencies; Leader Activities; Leading Change; Royal Air Force Leadership; Change Context; Change Management; Change Success Wren, John; Duelist, Vic(2005)(title review) Aspects of managing change in the Royal Air Force: The system of the Royal Air force can be managed by setting up goals. Through management of objectives, goals can be achieved for any organizational unit such as the Royal Air Force. George S. Odiorne, in his book Management By Objectives throws light on this concept of managerial change "A system of management whereby the superior and subordinate jointly identify objectives, define individual major areas of responsibility in terms of results expected, and use these objectives and expected results as guides for operating the unit and assessing the contribution of each of its members."2. Krahenbuhl, 1975 Facets of managerial concern with in the Royal Air Force: Organization Objective setting; this facet requires the manager of the Royal Air Fore to review the purpose for which an organization comes into power. For example mission statement and discussion about its progressive maneuvering is of great significance to the Royal management. Periodic review assiduously stresses the need for the emergence of an organization fully managed and controlled. This should be the starting point for the supervisor and the staff to set organizational objective in relation to the unit's concentrative areas, thus adapted during the approaching objective setting period. Goals upheld by staff members are as follows; to assist and guide the entire organization, to guide subordinate managers to formulate their own objectives. Consequently, by setting up
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