Thursday, September 3, 2020
Why a College Education Is Important to Me free essay sample
The personal satisfaction for my family and I isn't ghastly. I am a housewife of 6 youngsters. I have a spouse that keeps up a stable employment and consistent pay. We have a house, vehicles, and most things of a normal family. Nonetheless, I accept there is no restriction to how high the personal satisfaction can be. Vince Limbardi once stated, â€Å"The nature of a people life is in direct extent to their promise to greatness, paying little mind to their picked field of attempt. †(Vince, 2012) An advanced degree is my picked try. The improvement of the personal satisfaction for my family and I is the reason an advanced degree is critical to me. Achieving any objectives increments mental and passionate wellbeing in this way improving the personal satisfaction. In April of 2011, I was determined to have clinical sorrow. Barely a year later, I was hospitalized for the outrageous â€Å"symptoms†of gloom. We will compose a custom exposition test on Why a College Education Is Important to Me or then again any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Inside the previous a half year, through extreme treatment and medicine, things have improved nearly to the point of regularity. By separating an advanced degree into courses or even down to exercises and finishing every objective one by on my confidence, certainty, and over all satisfaction will gradually and consistently develop. There was an investigation that demonstrated that your joy not just streams down to your close loved ones, yet additionally to their companions, and their friends’ companions. (O, 2009) Using this hypothesis, accomplishing these objectives would not just improve the personal satisfaction for me and my family, yet in addition for anybody inside three degrees of detachment of us. I would state we can add two rungs to the stepping stool of an incredible nature on this one. I want to turn into an educator as far as I can recall. As a youngster, I would stand up and â€Å"teach†my child dolls. How great would it be to get the fantasy of the 6 years of age rendition of myself? Being a housewife has been charming. It has permitted me to watch youngsters develop through the youthful phases of life. Out of nowhere, my little babies are on the whole developing into young kids. The weepy kiss farewell as the child of our family hops energetically on to the school transport will be mixed. In any case, it will take into consideration the ideal chance to get the vocation I had always wanted. Determination, a grin, and an advanced degree are only 3 of the significant devices that I should make the fantasy work out as expected. Furthermore, the satisfaction in encouraging will make another new bar on the stepping stool of a mind-blowing nature. What about improving the uality of life for me and my family with the self-evident? The chances of an expansion in salary that emerges with an advanced degree. No, cash doesn't by satisfaction yet it alleviates stressors. With 6 youngsters, what is a sensible $20 wristband to have a boundless measure of fun at the reasonable transforms into walloping $120 for every one of the 6 of our kids tohave boundless fun. The profession openings accessible with an advanced degree permit me to offer that little additional help to our family. It will assist with permitting our family to appreciate the little additional items life has offer, similar to the get-away we have for a long while been itching to go on. Including increasingly fun, consolation that the bills will consistently be paid, and helping decline the stressors are everything that improve the nature of our family’s life. Let’s add one more bar to our stepping stool. An advanced degree is critical to everybody on their own unique ways. I am eager to express that its significance to me is for me and my family’s life. Making things less distressing, accomplishing a long lasting dream, and expanding my psychological and enthusiastic wellbeing are only a couple of the manners in which that an advanced degree can improve the nature of our lives if the favorable circumstances an advanced degree gives are utilized. The â€Å"rungs on my ladder†will never be unavailable in light of the fact that the personal satisfaction doesn't top except if you let it. I plan on making the most of the open doors that an advanced degree will permit me to use to improve the nature of our lives. Why a College Education Is Important to Me free article test Accomplishing Academic Excellence Assignment 5_06 Why a College Education is Important to Me April 17, 2013 The significance of training in todays society demonstrates requesting and furthermore fundamental. To comprehend the significance of training, we should initially comprehend what instruction involves. Instruction can be portrayed as the way toward learning and applying the materials figured out how to ordinary circumstances. Instruction assumes an Important job in our achievement in this regularly evolving world. As our economy detonates with numerous advances, the need for training develops impressively. As a pre-adult In secondary school we start to look at the centrality of that of instruction. Questions relating to our decision in a specific vocation field, the measure of compensation that we want, and the objectives we wish to get may emerge. The decision to seek after an advanced degree can open various chances. Additionally an advanced degree will improve your general accomplishment all through life.In making sure about a future including an advanced degree, one must be devoted to going through a few hours to contemplating and acquiring reasonable objectives. We will compose a custom article test on Why a College Education Is Important to Me or on the other hand any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page The focal points to getting an advanced degree are unending. For most Individuals the obvious bit of leeway Is a more lucrative pay. As indicated by the u. s. Division of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, a person with a single guys degree earned more than twice as much as those without a secondary school certificate or equivalency.Opportunities for work are more sought after for the individuals who exhibit higher increasingly productive information. The information or aptitudes picked up from going to school with assistance further guide you all through life. With various profession openings accessible, school ends up being gainful to a people achievement. Another favorable position to having an advanced degree Is the self-improvement and advancement that an individual gains during this time. For myself, self-awareness is a primary factor for accomplishing my own goals.Personal development and improvement can be depicted in a wide range of structures. Mental, physical, budgetary, and enthusiastic are Justas not many models, The feeling of achievement or individual increase got from applying ones self, is a preferred position all in its self. The significance of training has been more than once expressed by a few of history helpful pioneers, for example, Benjamin Franklin. Benjamin Franklin expressed Genius without instruction is squeeze silver In the mine. Likewise he expressed An Investment In information pays the wellbeing. These Ingenious words are clear In their significance and hold a helpful idea. 1 OFF from expanded training has demonstrated increasingly helpful contrasted with those of a secondary school graduate. Potential for better vocation openings, more significant salary compensation, headways in profession fields and individual fulfillment are away from to the significance of an advanced degree.
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Experience In Giving Oral Care
Involvement with Giving Oral Care Reflection is the way toward checking on an involvement with request to depict examine, assess thus educate finding out about training (Reid 1993).This exposition will ponder the significance of; and the experience I picked up while giving oral consideration on an understudy position recreation utilizing an intelligent model. Jamieson et al (2002) accept mouth care is the utilization of a toothbrush and glue to assist patients with recouping and diminish danger of diseases, impart better, eat all the more effectively and look after nobility. However, it is additionally a job which again and again appointed to human services associates. I picked this zone to feature its need and the extent of chances in learning it has given in improving my abilities by and by. There are various models of reflection one of which is Gibbs (1988). On this event, Gibbs model will be utilized as a system in managing me, since it centers around various parts of an encounter and emotions, and misusing it completely will be progressively valued. Portrayal I was a piece of a position reenactment bunch which went to the multi-aptitudes research center to rehearse mouth wash. I was doled out a partner to brush his teeth utilizing a toothbrush and glue. I put on gloves to forestall defilement with body liquid. Looking for his assent, I attempted a briefâ visual evaluation ofâ the wellbeing status of his mouth. I at that point put him in an agreeable position in order to endure the wash. From there on, I cleaned all-round the mouth, gums and tongue. I polished off with mouthwash. I treatedâ my accomplice as if he was truly incapable to hold the brush himselfâ to scour his own teeth, however he had the option to speak with me and had the option to help me as far as spitting and swishing with water toward the finish of the methodology. Sentiments My quick concern was I had not brushed anyones teeth outside of my family previously and henceforth, how my accomplice will act (Dowling, 2006). Albeit alert and honorable, I felt in giving mouth care, both the carer and patient are placed into a condition of vulnerability, shame, deficiency and a feeling of meddling to their protection (Lewis, 2006; Sturdy, 2007). I got powerless with his outward appearance demonstrated no trust in me. Rungapadiachy (1999) characterizes trust as being straightforward, open, earnest, supporting and trustworthy, certifiable, warm and tolerating. Our response put us on the high score size of Millon (1994), Hesitating (Reticent) example of conduct. Regardless of my interests, I felt agreeable in finishing the errand. Assessment Considering or in real life is turning into an extraordinary learning instrument This experience instructed me that, oral consideration gives any attendant a perfect chance to embrace an intensive physical, passionate and psychological evaluation of a patient (DOH, 2001). I was satisfied to find that, no wounds were continued as I checked mouth earlier and after. Likewise, I was satisfied my relational abilities improved and the helpful relationship developed; and with the information I got from supporting writing framed the establishment of my learning and practice. Burnard (2002) proposes that a student is an aloof beneficiary of got information, and that learning through movement connects the entirety of our faculties. From his criticism, I comprehended input is a significant learning apparatus. One critical point to originate from some ongoing examination (Burke, 2009) is that numerous understudies don't have the foggiest idea how to utilize input the same number of have never been instructed how to do as such. In any case, the experience features the intricate issues I need to tackle practically speaking and the arrangement of care needs to patients for whom I might not have had contact with previously. In spite of the fact that this errand caused me distress and included weight for the time being, I understand that it was an extremely huge occasion in my investigations. Examination WHO (2010) portrays a sound mouth as being liberated from incessant mouth and facial torment; and helping patients/administration clients to meet their cleanliness needs is an essential part of nursing care (Essence of Care, 2003). In 2007, half UK grown-ups went to a NHS dental specialist. More established individuals in private homes were in danger of disease, with contamination recognized in 80% of one examination populace (Holman et al, 2005). The consideration of a patients mouth shapes a significant segment of helping cleanliness needs but is a part of training which isn't constantly managed the consideration it completely merits (Evans, 2001).It is currently certain that, mouth care is significant and that, medical attendants have a job in surveying and looking after it (Malkin, 2009). The errand distinguished urging individuals to recognize their natural limit encourages them to value their qualities and shortcomings (SWOT). Jasper (2003) sees SWOT examination as becoming acquainted with ones self. The comprehension of our aptitudes and capacities and the familiarity with where our cutoff points lie is viewed as pivotal to having the option to go about as an expert specialist. My certainty developed and got increasingly intrigued, urging him to do as much as could be expected under the circumstances. Jackson and Mannix (2001) note that measure of premium the medical caretaker appears in the adapting needs of the understudy and the key job the person in question plays in their accomplishment are basic to the understudies advancement. End I feel that the entire procedure went on easily. Thinking about a patient requires a relationship and sympathy. By creating community oriented relationship with patients, I can give expeditious and centered intercessions which can restrain sickness. Regardless, it has brought issues to light the impacts of others on my training. Activity Plan Right now, I read a bigger number of books a day than training. My point is to be proactive later on by quickly opening up through all out interest and accomplishing more practices on standard premise. I plan to build up the ability of passionate versatility to have the option to convey and get any consideration or learning movement by keeping journals of occasions and thinking about them. End My conviction currently is brushing teeth releases and expels garbage caught in the spaces and forestalls the development of plaque which habours microbes and that; medical caretakers have a task to carry out in mouth care. Because of my absence of involvement with care and the activity title of understudy nurture, I saw that most meetings would run in a talk design. I presently accept down to earth aptitudes improvement utilizing reflection is as significant as talk educational cost in spite of the fact that, Quinn (2000) accepts most understudies and numerous experts note that taking in procured from position experience is substantially more important and pertinent than that gained in the talk room. The way toward learning I experienced is more mind boggling than Gibbs proposes. It isn't as patterned as this model infers and I wound up hopping or joining a few phases, before returning. Be that as it may, it has removed me from my usual range of familiarity, testing my reasoning.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Dramatic interest Essay Example
Sensational intrigue Essay Example Sensational intrigue Essay Emotional intrigue Essay Exposition Topic: Amadeus How does Shaffer heaps of the plays verifiable foundation to upgrade its emotional intrigue? Consider: The period where the play is set Its setting Vienna The foundation of Court Life The occasions in Amadeus occur in the eighteenth and nineteen century. Vienna is the capital of a far reaching realm. It is the focal point of the melodic world, some place apparently ideal for a virtuoso of music. We are quickly acquainted with Viennas residents who themselves are likewise a crowd of people to the situations that develop. The rulers taste in music is shallow; Salieris straightforward sytheses are perfect as they make no interest on the illustrious ear.Mozarts music is in this manner unreasonably trying for a man of such moderation. Mozarts unutterably wonderful music is just depicted as having such a large number of notes. This unmistakably shows they just can't fathom the greatness of Mozarts music as music can't have such a large number of notes. Verifiably, the play is set in the Age of Reason. Individuals in this period in a general sense accept that common convictions were a higher priority than sincere belief, and accordingly open life made a difference more than private life. Considering this we can legitimately differentiate along these lines of existence with what Mozart carries to Vienna.Our introductory gathering with him gives us his total dismissal to social manne rs and a character absolutely incredible for his time. Mozart shows no feeling of dithering to submit sexual acts in a library. Straightforwardly stood out from this wild character is Salieri. Salieri encapsulates the way of life in the Age of Reason, his traditionalist method of living is uncovered both explicitly and musically. It is in these two fields where Mozart is shown so imaginatively, Ill need everything in reverse, once Im wedded I would need to lick my wifes arse rather than her face.Salieri performs basic music for the Emperors non-requesting ear and his significant other is portrayed as his household buddy with an absence of fire. Mozart is supposed to be set in the Romantic time frame. This culture is predominately focussed on free discourse. There is additionally a component of immediacy. This is appeared by Mozart in the library scene where he says wed me. Another significant Romantic motivation is the thought of carpe diem. This way to live for the occasion, and not plan for what's to come. We experience this when we see Salieri making a guarantee with God and organizing his prospects.Mozart then again ignores request and structure and has a kid when he obviously doesnt have the psychological limit and unexpectedly the fund to do as such. Since the Age of Reason accepts that pledge to decency helped safeguard societys significant good norms, the Establishment are hostile to Mozart. This new unrest represents everything that their way of life is against. In view of this it makes the belief system of new versus old. Society is troubled to acknowledge another wonder to break their show in light of the fact that nobody likes to risk change. This subject is flawlessly communicated in Amadeus.Paradoxically it is the lower class residents who are the ones who comprehend Mozarts music. This could be indicating that maybe there is something else entirely to a virtuoso that meets the eye. Possibly that virtuoso is subjective depending on each person's preferences and that your status holds no inclination on whether you can really include the intricacy of something as huge as Mozarts music. Notwithstanding the contention between the verifiable divisions combined into this time, there is a message that the two of them required one another. Salieri required Mozart so he could start to get reality and how life isnt reasonable when Mozart required Salieri so as to get cash for his music.All genuine shows written in this century are exhausting. This shows Mozart plainly communicating anyway he needs. Its provocative idea shows how he talks what he thinks and conflicts with the traditionalist method of concurring cordially. For instance, Joseph says, Have I revealed to you this previously? what's more, the Establishment all answer No your highness when in reality he has. Because of the lying demeanor of the court and to a great extent Salieri it makes the impression of him figuratively wearing a veil as a method of concealing the truth.As Mozart is such an untouchable in this bogus society it makes the passing of him appear to be inescapable; yet we feel frustrated about him as it is generally social orders flaw for not aside from him. After this discourse we see Salieri and Orsini-Rosenberg to some degree joining forces against Mozart. This fits in with the possibility of the individuals inside the Age of Reason act together as a major aspect of a network. Anyway this is an extremely malevolent method of battling Mozart. Amusingly they are a general public spun around the possibility of reasonableness, yet they are being sufficiently inconsiderate to talk in Italian when within the sight of Von Strack who can't comprehend it.Orsini-Rosenberg detaches a few pages of Mozarts original copies. This shows both authentic foundations dont comprehend what is correct and what's going on. Mozart doesnt see how to get by in the public eye, this is on the grounds that he is comparatively radical, where Salieri doesnt comprehend moral impediments and takes his desire excessively far. Shaffer examines the two different ways of life and is maybe demonstrating that since life isnt reasonable we are never going to have an ideal society. Murdering Mozart didnt make Salieri better at music.
Van Creveld. Fate of the State Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Van Creveld. Destiny of the State - Essay Example This in any case, changed when in the ascent of innovation; rulers developed and gradually took over force and authority from the nearby masters. The rise of the rulers consequently, established a framework for country states. In the nineteenth Century, the advanced country state, which is coordinated, was built up first in the European world. Be that as it may, the 1648 tranquility of Westphalia is the most significant perspective in the foundation of the country state, as it took into account the sway of the country state. The country state today is very nearly decrease, on account of the powers of globalization and devolution, which have diminished its sway. The country state was viewed as the predominant social element on the planet beginning the mid-nineteenth Century, as the state and society were essentially converged to become one substance. Notwithstanding, numerous progressions occurring on the planet have prompted changes in the strength of the country state as the most co mpelling social substance. The social transformation that started in the West affected the idea of the country state. Other significant components that influenced the country state incorporate the global socialist developments, expanded opportunity of capital exchange across worldwide fringes, and political, social, and monetary brokenness in previous provinces of Asia and Africa. By the start of the 1990’s, the job of the country state was decreased because of various worldwide powers (Creveld, 1999). The eventual fate of the country state is unsure today. There are various elements that have been liable for the lessening significance of the country state. These are globalization and transnationalism, and devolution. Globalization has prompted the separating of national limits, as various nations would now be able to cooperate monetarily, socially, and strategically. Globalization has cleared path for transnationalism, and it is foreseen that in future, there may be a transn ational government. Transnationalism today happens at the political level. Universal associations, for example, the World Trade Organization and the United Nations are answerable for transnationalism, as they give financial security and military insurance to an assortment of helpless nations. Then again, the European Union has separated every single national limit in its part states, clearing path for significant levels of collaboration (Creveld, 1999). Devolution has been received by different countries today. This awards force and power to the nearby government and not the focal government. This is the reason the procedure is called devolution, as force is detracted from the focal government, and offered back to the nearby government. At the point when the focal government, which is center of the state, loses power, the sway of the state diminishes. In the event that these patterns of globalization and devolution persevere, there are potential outcomes that a transnational governm ent will supplant the country state. Nonetheless, the truth will surface eventually what's in store for the country state (Creveld, 1999). As indicated by Creveld (1996), the capacity of the state to battle others for self-protection is on the decay. This is a proof that the capacity of the country state is gradually blurring. At first, resistance was among the fundamental purposes behind the development of the country state. Inability to play out that today is an away from of its decrease. The occasions of French Revolution in the eighteenth Century and mechanical upset started transnationalism, which is dependable today for the decay of the country st
Friday, August 21, 2020
Coyote Community College Essay
This paper will in general talk about the and survey the sorts of measures remembered for every viewpoint of the Coyote Community College, for example, Funder/budgetary point of view, Student/member point of view, Internal Process point of view, and Innovation and procedure point of view. What's more, this audit paper additionally examines about how these said viewpoints are estimated based from the portrayal of the school and even the college’s condition. The Funder/Financial view incorporates the measures: State incomes ? Educational cost and expenses incomes ? Award and establishment subsidizing ? direct costs (Evans and 2007) The Student/Participant see incorporates the measures: Enrollment ? % of the citizen’s taking an interest in programs and furthermore occasions ? Understudy objective accomplishment ? Number of understudies finishing their word related degree and authentication programs ? passing rates on licensure and Certification tests ? Testament programs ? Understudy accomplishment at move foundations ? Graduate arrangement rate ? Graduate hourly wrath ? New Mexico state competency assessment pass rates ? Understudy determination ? course fruition rate ? % Technology conveyed contributions ? Responsiveness to demand for courses and workshops ? Understudy/partner fulfillment with programs and instructional administrations (Evans and 2007) The Internal Process see incorporates the measures: High worth substance of educational plans ? Process duration for educational plans improvement ? Usage of individualized learning ? Student contribution in dynamic learning ? Essential abilities improvement ? Accomplishment of program capabilities ? ESL/Remedial groundwork for school qualification ? Access for underserved bunches ? Understudy fulfillment with understudy administrations ? Understudy fulfillment with help process The Innovation and Resource see incorporates the measures: Faculty/Staff fulfillment reviews ? Personnel/Staff maintenance ? ESL mastery ? Preparing and improvement in key territories ? Personnel and Staff innovation apparatus accessibility ? Interest in innovation to help learning programs (Evans and 2007) How measures are made So as to put the contributions for estimating every one of the Coyote Community Colleges’ points of view, they utilizes the â€Å"LEARN Philosophy†which fundamentally represents Learning Excellence, Assessment, and Recognize Needs (Evans and 200). The reasonable scorecard that they use is known as the LEARN board. It is clarified that the institution’s partners are spoken to in spite of the fact that the four points of view of the LEARNing board, since it is systemized in this sort of estimation, the administration group can adjust the entirety of its stakeholder’s needs (Evans and 2007). So as to make and complete these measures on every single point of view, the Vice President and the Dean of Instruction leads a month to month meeting with the administrators of the diverse offices’ reports. They do this to pick up the reports in regards to with the advancement audits towards their specific objectives (Evans and 200). On the least complex clarification, the genuine of the establishment are obliged to present their yearly report to the Leadership Team, who then again, sums up all the exhibition made. This exhibition incorporates the important learning board measures during the present scholastic year. Accordingly, so as to do the systemized estimating, the organization gathers all the information from every single genuine, and afterward sums up it to make sense of whether they did or didn't meet their institution’s objective. They base their estimating from all their institution’s points of view. References Evans, J. R. , and , W. M. L. (2007). Overseeing for Quality and Performance Excellence (seventh ed. ): Thomson South-Western.
Thursday, August 13, 2020
The Ultimate Recognition
The Ultimate Recognition I got an e-mail the other day from a deferred applicant, who said that getting into MIT would have been the ultimate recognition of all the effort Ive poured into everything in my life thus far. I sympathize I know how it feels to pour a lot of yourself into something, and not see it pay off in the way you expect, or hope. Its very painful. And embarrassing. One of the worst parts is when people who believe in you ask SO HOW DID IT GO??? and you have to break the news, when really youd rather curl up in bed and put your shades down and never look anyone in the eye again. And then, over empty tubs of ice cream and a carpet covered with tissues, wonder why you bothered to work so hard when it didnt pay off anyway. I sympathize, but as someone who has made this mistake infinitely many times in the past, continues to do so now, and probably will be unable to avoid doing so in the future I dont believe that trying to define what ultimate recognition is, under ANY circumstances, the right attitude. An example. In High School, I was the captain of my robotics team. I joined the team as a freshman because my eighth grade science teacher encouraged me to. I was very ambitious: I wanted to become team captain, I wanted to lead us from success to success, I wanted to help us bring in money from sponsors, and win the most prestigious awards that FIRST offers its teams. I worked my butt off, and the first part of my dream came true I became captain my junior year. I wrote essays for our awards applications, was on the drive team at the regionals. Well! you say. You got into MIT, so obviously all those things happened, because MIT only accepts the most flawless human beings on the planet. NO! We never won a regional, never won those awards; I was heartbroken and felt like a failure. Worse, I hadnt only let myself down, but I had let an entire team down. When I graduated and passed over the reins, I wondered what the heck the point was. Winning a regional, winning a Chairmans Award that would have been the ultimate recognition of all the effort Id put into that team during High School. Sure, the team had gone from 10 people to something like a 60-strong operation and sure, Id spent a bunch of time mentoring middle school kids in Robotics, and yeah, maybe that second grader I tutored LOVED it when I showed him our robot but I didnt think about any of that, because I had a very specific idea of what ultimate recognition meant, and I didnt get it, and I was disappointed. My robotics team is kicking butt now. They won the entrepreneurship award last year. They built a spectacular robot, and made it to the semifinals for the first time in our teams history. And I realize, only now, when Im no longer on the team, that all my hard work was part of a picture bigger than myself: the payoff wasnt on as short of a time scale as I had expected, or hoped. The ultimate recognition is not ultimate at all, because it will continue: my work and the work of everything who has ever been on that team is constantly being recognized, long after weve left. Another example. One of my best friends in High School always wanted to go to Hogwarts (college name pseudonym, for privacy.) Since Middle School, or something. She had a Hogwarts sweater, and said that everything she did, she did for one result: get into Hogwarts. She didnt get into Hogwarts. She cried. A lot. We brought her flowers. She asked us WHY she put in all that work, what the point was. It broke our hearts, because she was obviously blind to the fact that she had become a brilliant writer, photographer, journalist skills that would obviously serve her wherever she ended up going to college (shes now doing some crazy awesome study abroad program) and beyond that as well. She defined what ultimate recognition would be, and didnt get it. Her work is paying off in a different way although its not the way she expected or hoped. And it will continue to pay off, even though that Hogwarts sweater is in some garbage heap somewhere. A final example. In High School, I (and all of my friends here at MIT) were academic rockstars; we got straight As, we were valedictorians, we won lots of awards, etc. I came to expect that hard work paid off in a specific way. I work hard - I receive external validation by getting an A. I work hard, demonstrate my enthusiasm for a subject - I receive external validation by winning an award. The result: some of us became dependent on those to feel good about ourselves. One friend says that at the beginning of a program, he looks at the awards they hand out at the end, then tries to shape his choices and behavior to fit the criteria for winning that award. Thats really sad. Hes won so many awards over his life that somehow winning awards is a requirement for feeling good about himself; the thought of no longer doing so is totally unbearable. And now he doesnt always act the way he wants to act, because he wants to be recognized in the way hes used to being recognized. I should add that, as disturbing as that probably sounds to you, its the same attitude that drives people to e-mail me with questions like WHAT MUST I DO TO BE ACCEPTED TO MIT??? The answer is: NOT ASK QUESTIONS LIKE THAT. That is the wrong. question. just like reading the award description and molding yourself after what you imagine a winner would be like is the WRONG. APPROACH. NO. DONT DO THAT. I think I sort of had that approach in mind when I got to MIT. Id gotten so many As and won so many awards that I had a hard time tearing my attention from the results I wanted. Then I got here, stopped getting straight As, stopped winning awards, stopped being top of my class, and woah. The foundation of my self-confidence basically disappeared. That happens to a lot of people: we have to rebuild our self-confidence out of tougher stuff than grades or class rank, because we are not longer the smart kid or the nerdy kid because EVERYONE here is smart and nerdy. And thats a really good thing, I think. A final story. And the reason why I was thinking about all this. I just did poorly on my Quantum II final. I also did poorly on the midterm, way back in October, and it was important to me for a lot of reasons that I ace this test. Did I study hard? Yes. Did I do every problem they suggested we do in preparation? Yes. Did I do all the homework? Yes. Did I attend all office hours I could possibly attend? Yes. I even crutched to office hours in the rain, once. Was there anything more I could have done? Probably, but there always is you can always look back and say I SHOULD HAVE DONE MORE! but thats just cruel. I think its unreasonable and a little unhealthy to expect 100% efficiency out of yourself. So, what was the point of all the work I put into that class this semester? WHY did I crutch to office hours in the rain? I did it for a specific result: I wanted an A in that class. I would have liked recognition of all the work I put into it. And now Im probably not going to get that. And last night, it was a huge crisis and the end of the world and MY FUTURE IS RUINED and THIS IS THE UNIVERSE TELLING ME NOT TO BE A PHYSICIST and WHY DO I EVER TRY EVER WHEN IM NOT EVEN GOING TO GET EXTERNAL VALIDATION OF MY HARD WORK. And then I talked to two French House alums, both of whom had their serious academic struggles here and are doing just fine. They both told me that whatever grade I get in this class: its really not going to matter when I look back in a couple of years. Another of my friends here told me something similar: its going to be fine, it will work out, blah blah blah, all the things that are totally impossible for me to realize at this stage because I am so freaking short-si ghted. At this point, though, this kind of disappointment feels familiar. It feels like looking up at the scoreboard and seeing that our Robotics team lost. It feels like listening for my name at an awards ceremony and not hearing it called. It feels like how Im sure my friend felt when that letter from Hogwarts brought unwelcome and unexpected news. I worked hard for a specific kind of validation and reward, and I didnt get it. But I have things to look forward to. Next semester I will take Quantum III, which is sort of the capstone of this quantum series, filled with awesome applications of all the crazy math techniques weve been learning. I KNOW I learned a lot in Quantum II, even if it wont show up that way on my transcript. But it will make Quantum III awesome, and lets be real how many people can go around saying they know advanced quantum physics? Whatever I become a teacher, a researcher I will be glad I took this class, and I will be glad I worked hard, and it will pay off. The grade is not the ultimate recognition of that. I didnt work the entire semester for one grade. I worked the entire semester for what will follow after this semester, the same way that high school seniors have worked for 17 or 18 years for what will follow those 17 or 18 years; Acceptance To Dream College is just another thing that happens (or doesnt) along the way, and honestly will not turn out to make that big of a diff erence in the long run. On December 22, I fly back home to London for the first time in a YEAR. My mom is wonderful and familiar with my love of theatre, and bought tickets to Richard III, Kiss Me Kate, and Cabaret. She is also familiar with my love of food, and arranged an outing for posh afternoon tea. My friend Davie, who graduated last year, is currently taking a year to study math in Berlin, and is going to stay with my family for a few days right around New Years. Were going to take a tour of Hampton Court palace; way back in my youth, I had the free time to spend weekends roaming through the Hampton Court hedge maze, and eventually had the correct path memorized. Then itll be 2013, which is hard to believe. On January 3, I fly back to Boston for a few days, see the doctor to find out whether my toe is recovering properly, then fly to Los Angeles on January 6th for the American Astronomical Societys annual winter conference. Ill present a poster on my pulsar research from the summer, and do my best to charm the other astronomers. Ill visit friends in San Francisco, fly back to Boston, do research for a couple of weeks, then fly to China to teach for five days. When disappointment catches up with me and Im no longer able to maintain perspective about how much one particular incident will matter to my life in the long run, I like to concentrate on all the things Im excited about. I know that all this is easy for me to say, because IM AT MIT! and MY LIFE MUST BE AWESOME! and WHAT MORE IS THERE TO LIFE THAN GETTING INTO MIT? but let me tell you, we all suffer our fair share of disappointments and failures; do yourself a favor, and learn how to move on from those experiences without beating yourself up. That will serve you much more faithfully in the long run than a particular college acceptance. I know a few very tightly-strung, low-self-confidence MIT students, who sadly havent learned yet how to mentally forgive themselves for what they consider failure, and havent yet managed to detach self-worth from the various forms of external validation theyve become accustomed to. Also, as a last, semi-unrelated note; Ive gotten a few e-mails recently from prospectives saying thank you for posting so often! which makes me a little guilty. I dont want to give the illusion that, against my will, I drag myself to the blogging interface and bang posts out in an act of self-sacrifice for all the loyal readers. Yes, this is a job, and I respect it as such but its also an outlet, and this might sound selfish but I think that I post as much for myself as I do for the prospectives. When Im stressed out, its relaxing to come here and tell a story so, really, I should thank you for reading. Blogging is also an excellent form of procrastination. So excuse me while I go study for my 18.06 (Linear Algebra) final.
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Through Academy, Education Barriers, And Borders, Fall
Through Academy, Education Barriers, And Borders, Fall by: Alison Damast on June 02, 2016 | 0 Comments Comments 265 Views June 2, 2016Global Freshman Academy allows first-year students from around the world to amass credits and fulfill requirements online. Courtesy photoA 40-year-old Portuguese man, an expatriate mother of three living in Dubai, and a twelfth-grader from Taiwan are among the thousands who have flocked in the past year to the Global Freshman Academy, a collaboration between Arizona State University and edX, the online learning nonprofit co-founded by Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.The self-paced program, entering its second year this August, is a new model for undergraduate education that allows students anywhere to take their freshman year online. As they pass each course, they pay a fee of $600 for a three-credit-hour course, if they choose; at the end of the year those who complete the requisite courses and amass enough credit s are eligible to start their sophomore year of college.Global Freshman Academy students can receive college credit without an application or transcript, removing some major barriers to a college education.PAY AS YOU PASS MODELâ€Å"This is really radically changing the way we do education,†says Anant Agarwal, CEO of edX and a professor of electrical engineering and computer science at MIT. â€Å"The academy is the first step in what we call the unbundling of college education. We’re providing students with an optional pathway through education. There really is very little risk up front for them.†It’s a â€Å"pay as you pass†model that completely inverts the conventional admissions process, Agarwal says  and as it nears the end of its first year, the unconventional program is off to a running start, with more than 150,000 students around the world signing up for a broad range of general education classes.The first to buy a college credit from the Global Freshman Academy, Agarwal says, was Miguel Joao Coelho da Rocha Ribeiro, a 40-year-old man from Portugal who took the Solar Systems Astronomy class. Since the start of the program, students seeking academic credit at ASU have qualified for 175 credit conversions, a figure that includes students who purchased credits from multiple courses as well as those who converted for credit from all the courses that have been offered and completed.â€Å"The fact that 150,000 students are taking our courses is certainly very promising, and it has met our expectations in the program’s pilot year,†Agarwal says. â€Å"Students do have one year from the end of their course in which to buy credit, so there’s still a ways to go before we know how many will do that.†MORE BIZ COURSES PLANNEDThe academy was designed with three demographic groups in mind: incoming freshman, people returning to complete college later in life and educators and life-long learne rs, Agarwal says.Those who amass enough college credit at ASU can complete their freshman year at a steep discount, roughly half of the current in-state tuition, or about $6,000, he says. They are then eligible to apply to enter the school as a sophomore.In the program’s first year, its general education courses included English Composition, Human Origins, College Algebra and Problem Solving, and Introduction to Solar Systems Astronomy. Plans are under way to offer more business courses to students in the coming year, says Adrian Sannier, chief academic technology officer for EdPlus at ASU. For example, next spring, Bart Hobijn, a professor of economics in ASU’s W.P. Carey School of Business, will teach a class on macroeconomic principles.NEW PROGRAM FACES CHALLENGES Enrollment the first year has been robust, with about 1,000 people signing up each week for one or more of the academy’s courses, Sannier says. The school’s goal is to have between 3,000 and 5,000 new students entering the school each week, he says.A typical class attracts 20,000 students, he adds; the most popular class to date has been English composition, with more than 32,000 students enrolled. Page 1 of 212 »
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Evidence Based Practice / Clinical Question - 1733 Words
Evidence Based Practice/ Clinical Question Pain†¦fever†¦oozing pus. Who would want to experience that? The answer is no one. Yet, out of the sixty to seventy of women who undergo a cesarean section, twelve percent will experience these symptoms due to a surgical site infection (SSI) (Adjunctive Azithromycin Prophylaxis for Cesarean Delivery, 2017). SSI are the primary cause of mortality and morbidity amongst cesarean section women. SSI are linked to increased length of stay, hospitalization rate, and healthcare costs. Many cases of SSIs are preventable with appropriate preoperative preparation and surgical technique (McKibben et. al, 2015). One specific prophylactic method is the use of antibiotics preoperatively. Using an EBP model, PICO,†¦show more content†¦After each procedure in the policy there are accompanying research and EBP articles that supports all policy procedures. Clinical Question One of the first steps in creating best evidence based practice policies is finding a clinical issue and compiling it into a clinical question. A clinical question is composed of four basic elements: population, intervention, comparison, and outcome. The first component is population. The population is the targeted group or groups that the clinical issue affects. For this composition the population will be pregnant women who will be undergoing a cesarean section. The second component is intervention. The intervention suggests a solution to the stated clinical problem. My suggested intervention is the continued use of antibiotics pre-operatively in the prevention of SSI. Comparison is the third component of the PICO. The comparison has an alternative option to compare risks and benefits. The chosen comparison will be the nonuse of pre-operative antibiotics versus the use of antibiotics. The fourth and final element of the clinical question is the outcome. The outcome is the measurable end result in which one would like to accomplish (LibGuides: Nursing Resources: PICO-Clinical Question, 2017). My chosen outcome will be the decrease in SSI in cesarean section patients through the use of pre-operative antibiotics. After compiling each componentShow MoreRelatedImportance Of Evidence Based Practice And Nursing Research1006 Words  | 5 Pages Significance of Evidence Based Practice and Nursing Research Rina Desai Widener University â€Æ' The significance of nursing research and evidence-based practice has gained a huge momentum in nursing. Research findings, knowledge from basic science, clinical knowledge, and expert opinion are all considered ‘evidence’. Thus, the practices based on research findings are more likely to result in the desired patient outcomes across numerous clinical settings. 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Monday, May 18, 2020
The Most Educated Group in the U.S. Black Women
American women have had to fight for their right to an education. Well into the twentieth century, women were discouraged from pursuing higher education, as it was popular notion that too much education would make a woman unfit for marriage. Woman of color and poor women also experienced other structural impediments to their education for much of the nation’s history that made it less likely for them to pursue an education. However, times have certainly changed. In fact, since 1981, more women than men have been earning college degrees. Furthermore, these days, women outnumber men on many college campuses, making up 57 percent of college students. As a college professor at a large, land-grant university, I notice that I often have many more women than men in my courses. In many disciplines, though certainly not all, gone are the days were women were numbered few and far between. Women are unabashedly seeking educational opportunities and charting new territories. Things have also changed for women of color, particularly those from historically underrepresented minorities. As legalized discrimination has given way to more opportunities, women of color have become more educated. While there is certainly room for improvement, Black, Latina, and Native American women are continuing to matriculate onto college campuses in increasingly larger numbers.  Indeed, some studies show that Black Women are the most educated group in the U.S. But what does this mean for their opportunities, wages, and quality of life? The Numbers Despite stereotypes that call African Americans lazy or stupid, Blacks in the United States are among those most likely to earn a postsecondary degree. For example, The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) reports that from academic years 1999–2000 to 2009–10 the number of bachelors degrees awarded to Black students increased by 53 percent and the number of associate degrees earned by Black students increased by 89 percent. Blacks are making headway in graduate education as well, with, for example, the numbers of master’s degrees earned by Black students more than doubling from 1999–2000 to 2009–10 increasing by a whopping 125 percent. These numbers are certainly impressive, and belie the notions that Black people are anti-intellectual and uninterested in school. However, when we take a closer look at race and gender, the picture is even more striking. The claim that Black women are the most educated bloc of Americans comes from a 2014 study that cites the percentage of Black women enrolled in college in relation to their other race-gender groups. However, considering enrollment alone gives an incomplete picture. Black women are also starting to outpace other groups in earning degrees. For example, although Black women only make up 12.7 percent of the female population in the country, they consistently make up over 50 percentâ€â€and sometimes much moreâ€â€of the number of Blacks who receive postsecondary degrees. Percentage-wise, Black women outpace white women, Latinas, Asian/Pacific Islanders, and Native Americans in this arena as well. Yet despite the fact that Black women are enrolled in and graduating from school in the highest percentages across racial and gender lines, negative depictions of Black women abound in popular media and even in science. In 2013 Essence magazine reported that negative imagery of black women appears twice as often as positive depictions. Images of the â€Å"welfare queen†â€Å"baby mama†and â€Å"angry Black woman,†among other images, shame working class Black women’s struggles and reduce Black women’s complex humanity. These depictions are not just hurtful, they have an impact on Black women’s lives and opportunities.  Education and Opportunities High enrollment numbers are indeed impressive; however, despite being termed as the most educated group of people in the United States, Black women still make far less money than their white counterparts. Take for instance, Black Women’s Equal Pay Day. While Equal Pay Dayâ€â€the day in the year that represents at which point the average woman makes as much as the average manâ€â€is in April, it takes Black women four more months to catch up. Black women were paid just 63 percent of what non-Hispanic white men were paid in 2014, which means it takes the typical Black woman nearly seven extra months to be paid what the average white man took home back on December 31. (The figures are even worse for Native women and Latinas, who have to wait until September and November, respectively). Bottom line, on average, Black women earn $19,399 less than white men every year.  There are many structural reasons why Black women, despite this impressive increase in education, are currently seeing very little fruits of their labor. For one, Black women are more likely than other groups of women nationally to work in the lowest-paying occupations (e.g. sectors such as the service industry, health care, and education) and are less likely to work in the higher-paying fields such as engineering or to hold managerial positions. Furthermore, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the number of Black women employed as full-time minimum-wage workers is higher than that of any other racial group. This makes the current Fight for Fifteen Campaign, which is agitating for an increased minimum wage, and other  labor fights very important. A troubling fact about wage disparities is that they are true across a range of occupations. Black women working in customer service make 79 ¢ for every dollar paid to their white, non-Hispanic male counterparts. Yet even Black women who are highly educated, such as those working as physicians and surgeons make just 52 ¢Ã‚ for every dollar paid to their white, non-Hispanic male counterparts. This disparity is striking and speaks to the pervasive inequity that Black women face whether they are employed in low paying or high paying fields. Hostile work environments and discriminatory practices also affect Black women’s work life. Take the story of Cheryl Hughes. An electrical engineer by training, Hughes discovered that despite her education, years of experience, and training, she was being underpaid: â€Å"While working there, I befriended a white male engineer. He had asked the salaries of our white co-workers. In 1996, he asked my salary; I replied, ‘$44,423.22.’ He told me that I, an African American woman, was being discriminated against. The next day, he gave me pamphlets from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Despite learning that I was underpaid, I worked diligently to improve my skills. My performance evaluations were good. When a young white woman was hired at my firm, my friend told me that she earned $2,000 more than I did. At this time, I had a master’s degree in electrical engineering and three years of electrical engineering experience. This young woman had one year of co-op experience and a bachelor’s degree in engineering.†Hughes asked for redress and spoke out against this unequal treatment, even suing her former employer. In response, she was fired and her cases were dismissed: â€Å"For 16 years after that I worked as an engineer receiving taxable income of $767,710.27. From the day I began working as an engineer through retirement, my losses would be in excess of $1 million in earnings.  Some would have you believe that women earn less because of career choices, not negotiating their salaries, and leaving the industry to have children. I chose a lucrative field of study, tried to negotiate my salary without success, and stayed in the workforce with children.†Quality of Life Black women are going to school, graduating, and trying to break the proverbial glass ceiling. So, how do they fare in life overall? Unfortunately, despite the encouraging numbers around education, Black women’s quality of life looks downright dismal when you take a look at health statistics. For example, high blood pressure is found among African American women than any other group of women: 46 percent of African American women 20 years of age and older have hypertension, while only 31 percent of white women and 29 percent of Hispanic women in the same age range do. Put another way: almost half of all adult Black women suffer from hypertension. Could these negative health outcomes be explained away by poor personal choices? Perhaps for some, but because of the pervasiveness of these reports, it clear that Black women’s quality life is shaped not only by personal choice but also by a whole host of socioeconomic factors. As the African American Policy Institute reports: â€Å"The stress of anti-Black racism and sexism, coupled with the stress of serving as the primary caretakers of their communities, can take a toll on Black women’s health, even if they have the economic privilege to send their children to good schools, live in a wealthy neighborhood and have a high-level career. In fact, well-educated Black women have worse birth outcomes than white women who haven’t finished high school. Black women are also disproportionately subject to various factors--from poor-quality environments in impoverished neighborhoods, to food deserts to a lack of access to healthcare --that make them more likely to contra ct life-threatening diseases, from HIV to cancer.†How could work be connected to these outcomes? Considering the prevalence of low paying work across occupations and racist and sexist work environments, it is unsurprising that Black women suffer from health-related disparities.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Pathological Protagonist of Dostoevsky’s Notes from...
The Pathological Protagonist of Dostoevsky’s Notes from the Underground Dostoevsky’s vision of the world is violent and his characters tortured; it is no wonder that many have viewed his work as prophetic of the 20th century. However, though Dostoevsky, in his unflinching portrayal of depravity, gives the Devil some of his best arguments, the Gospel often triumphs. Ivan Karamazov is at least offered the possibility of repentance when kissed by his saintly brother Alyosha. Raskolnikov, the nihilistic antihero of Crime and Punishment, is eventually redeemed through the love of the pure prostitute Sonja. Notes from the Underground, however, breaks this pattern. The protagonist of this novel, who, uncharacteristically for Dostoevsky,†¦show more content†¦Notes from the Underground, despite its unpolished narrative and paradoxical narrator, is a coherent whole, a subtle portrait of a man in conflict with himself. The first portion of the Notes is â€Å"a revelation of personality,†according to J. M. Coetzee, whereas the second is â€Å"a revelation of a shameful history†(219). The two cannot be separated from each other; both are necessary to complete the underground man’s portrait. Though he may put on a bold front in the ideological jabs of the first section, the second shows his ineffectual character, the seemingly irresolvable paradoxes of his personality. The underground man is paralyzed by indecision, governed by spite. His inability to â€Å"live life†is a malady that has grown prevalent in the â€Å"educated nineteenth century†(Dostoevsky 296, 191). As Dostoevsky writes in a footnote at the beginning of the work, â€Å"such persons as the writer of these notes not only may, but positively must, exist in our society, when we consider the circumstances under our society was formed†(179). The true philosophical lessons of the Notes are implicit, hidden within the narrative, and condemn the underground man as much as they do his rationalist opponents. Any satisfactory analysis of Notes from the Underground must keep in mind the singular consciousness and
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt And The National Labor...
In 1776, this great nation, the United States of America was created by Congress through its hopes of an independent nation. In the last two hundred plus years, we have accumulated forty-four presidents. Our longest serving president was Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He a served a consecutive three terms and was re-elected for a fourth term but sadly he died two months in(AE). FDR was a dominant leader in the democratic party and had lead the country through economic depression and all-out war. In the twelves years he had served he had created many important legislations, such as the Securities Exchange Act and the National Labor Relations Act(AE). FDR was inaugurated for his first term on March 4, 1933. At this time, the U.S was at its†¦show more content†¦The most popular of the New Deal agencies was the Civilian Conservation Corp(Home), this hired 250,000 unemployed men to work on local rural projects(AE). Congress also produced mortgage relief for millions of farmer and homeowners around the same time. FDR made agricultural relief a top priority and created the Agricultural Adjustment Administration(AE), forcing higher prices for items by paying these farmer to take land out of crops and to cut herds. In 1933 the National Industrial Recovery Act was created in order to reform the economy. It forced industries to establish rules of operations for all firms within specific industries(Gilder), minimum prices, agreements not to compete, and production restrictions. These industries also needed to raise wages. Provisions inspired unions and suspended anti-trust laws. The same year major new banking regulations were passed and in 1934(AE), the Securities and Exchange Commission was instituted to control Wall Street(Home). Roosevelt pursued recovery through federal spending, the NIRA spent $3.3 billion on the Public Works Administration to stimulate the economy(AE). He also worked with Republican senator George Norris to create the biggest government-owned industrial enterprise in American history, the Tennessee Valley Authority(Gilder). The TVA built dams and power stations, kept floods under control, and modernized agriculture and homes in the poverty engulfed Tennessee
The main aim is not to be afraid of yourself Free Essays
Several months ago I participated at training â€Å"Effective communication†. Actually, I didn’t think it will be useful for me, because I wasn’t a shy person, who doesn’t know what he wants from life. I didn’t have some special problems in personal relationships and in communications with my friends/teachers/family/etc. We will write a custom essay sample on The main aim is not to be afraid of yourself or any similar topic only for you Order Now Still, my friend invited me to visit this training and I agreed. Let it be, – I thought, – maybe I’ll find something interesting there, – who knows. To tell the truth, it was very useful for me and I’ve learned a lot of interesting things about myself which helped me to communicate with other people more effective. After that training I understood that if I remain myself (if I’m not changing myself) I’ll be happy and I’ll always be able to find way out from any difficult situation. The main aim is not to be afraid of yourself, to love and to accept yourself as you are. Unexpectedly for me I found out that I always was unsure in my actions, I was self-confident but only to some extent and very often after I took some decision; I tried to think over, what could happen if I acted in another way. I mean that I learned to look at my problems in simpler way, and then after I realized that actually I don’t have any problems. I understood that when the person is â€Å"opened†, people like him and they strive after him. You don’t need to be afraid and to hide your feelings, and then people start to understand you. Some of my fears from childhood disappeared; now in many cases I can control my aggression towards the other people. I was able to determine aim in my life, my internal state of mind changed into more vivid and confident. Communication with other people became more opened; I started to control my feelings. I learned that everything in my life depends on me, not on somebody else. That there are a lot of great possibilities, I only have to open my eyes and to reach them. Before I was loosing confidence in stress situations, and now I’m able to control my feelings. We made different kinds of tests and I understood that I like to clash with my friends and that I don’t show to people, who are close to me, feelings expressing my good attitude to them. I received practical knowledge in the field of understanding of human emotions and problems; I learned a lot of facts about myself with help of self-analysis and from opinions of other people. It was the unique experience for me and it helped me greatly in my life.  How to cite The main aim is not to be afraid of yourself, Papers
Interpersonal Communication free essay sample
Interpersonal communication is typically a dyadic (between two parties) form of communication. There are two major types of interpersonal communication used on a day to day basis: interpersonal (friends, family, partners), or impersonal (taxi drivers, shop assistants, etc. ). These can be utilised as an essential tool to enhance an individual’s ability in many facets: learning, relationships, professionally, socially and also helping others. Interpersonal communication is considered the most important form of communication and the most conventional. It is interdependent (mutually dependant) on visual (sight), auditory (sound), and kinetic (body language) stimuli. Firstly this essay will outline a brief history of interpersonal communication. Also in the following paragraphs, I will include examples of nonverbal (sight, sound and kinesis), verbal (face to face) and emotional intelligence (EI). I will also try to elaborate on some of the key aspects of effective (works well) and ineffective (does not work well) interpersonal communication. Since the beginning of time the inhabitant’s of this earth have been searching for suitable means of communication, and also a way to improve/cultivate the process. Relationships are at the heart of human behavior, building solid relationships can have a lifelong impact on our personal and moral development. Nonverbal communication is just as important as verbal communication and it can take many forms during its transmission, the process of nonverbal communication is accomplished through the sending and receiving of wordless messages. Language studies traditionally emphasize verbal and written communication but dismiss the importance of the silent language. It comes in many forms; it can be a person’s clothing, strut, facial expression, gestures, eye contact and tone of voice. To thoroughly understand some nonverbal communication one must also be versed in different cultures. There are many nonverbal differences across cultures that may be misleading or be a source of confusion. Research suggests that nonverbal communication is more important in understanding human behavior than spoken words. There are many universal emotions, such as fear, sadness, happiness etc. For me, I have problems to communicate to some people through interpersonal. I find it hard to communicate with my friends, family members, and strangers since I do not open completely myself to other people. Consequently, I do not have a long conversation with my friends or family members. The three problems that I have for interpersonal communication are self-disclosure, perception, and listening. First of all, I have a problem on self-disclosure because I don’t want to open myself. Our ability to communicate well with others is important to personal and professional success. As simple as communication seems, much of what we try to communicate to othersâ€â€and what others try to communicate to usâ€â€gets misunderstood, which can cause conflict and frustration in personal and professional relationships. I think on both personal and professional level I am a moderate listener. I like to listen more than I talk. Sometimes I feel there’s nothing wrong with being quiet but at times really painful to not be able to say what I want to say, or not to be able to speak up ever. I believe only way to improve from this is keep trying and keep putting myself in positions where I have to speak and I guess it will be easier. I have to practice talking to my friends more often, or trying to dominant conversations for a while. Maybe I have to try putting myself in social situations where I am *slightly* uncomfortable – I’ll feel horrible and probably make an idiot of myself a few times; talking to people I dont usually talk to or accepting an invitation to somewhere I usually dont go. To strengthen my skills I guess I have to just expand my interests and hobbies so that I have a broader scope of topics to choose from when I communicate with others. Another thing that could do to improve my communication skills would be ‘asking question’ as much as possible. I think when I’ll be asking question they will feel like they are connecting with me and at the same time I will learn a lot more about the person so you may be able to contribute as well. Listening is an important skill that involves a lot more than the actual physical process of hearing. Possessing good listening skills is critical to success in a career, in relationships, and life itself. Without the ability to listen well, an individual is prone to making mistakes, wasting time, and frequently misunderstanding the messages of others. Practice can improve a person’s listening skills. First, I need to understand that listening is an active, rather than passive, process. Not only must I hear what a speaker says, I must understand it and then judge whether the information make sense. To improve my listening skills, I think I have to listen with respect to improve my listening skills. Use my tone of voice and choice of words to communicate that I am genuinely trying to understand what the person is saying. Providing my full attention on the person speaking; I should try not to get distracted by other sights or sounds. I should use more eye contact to remain focused. I should be trying to tune out any mannerisms of the speaker that may divert my attention from the content. I should always focus my mind on what is being said to improve my listening skills; try adjusting my body position if I find myself losing concentration. In a conflict, most of us primarily want to feel heard and understood. We talk a lot about our point of view to get the other person to see things our way. Ironically, if we all do this all the time, there’s little focus on the other person’s point of view, and nobody feels understood. We have to put ourselves in other’s shoes and try to see the situation from the point of view of others who are involved. Others will more likely be willing to listen if they feel heard. For people around me to communicate effectively I use my hands, facial expressions and eyes very often, usually observant and focusing on others eyes while we talk, as well as, their gestures and body language. But I have worked on not being touchy, as I used to have a tendency to put my arm around people or touch their arms or shoulders while talking with them. As far as actual conversation goes, I am focused, but sometimes get caught up in details. Receptive, but sometimes overanalyze things. I have an inquisitive nature, but sometimes come across as too curious, and am mindful of that. Sometimes I like having conversation with people of different cultures, because it gives me a chance to learn more about their lifestyle. Good communication passes information along. If we can effectively communicate, then people understand us much better, and whatever information we are trying to tell them will get across without being misunderstood. Communication makes good relationships. If we can effectively communicate, then other people know what we need and want, and we can let them know our feelings without being misunderstood. This prevents all that mind-reading arguments. If we can explain our thoughts and feelings, then we wont misunderstand each other. Good communications give us self-esteem. People with effective communication skills are more confident, because they know that they can tell other people exactly what they need to, and they know that they understand those people better. It helps us to think better. In order to communicate effectively, we have to think ahead and organize our thoughts. This helps us learn how to organize, and how to plan ahead. If we can communicate well, we can decide whether or not we have understood what the teacher just said, and can then let the teacher know whether or not we need additional help. Communication skills are incredibly important, not only to students, but to everyone. Verbal communication is a large part of how we present ourselves, and so having the appropriate skill set is beneficial in both our private and public lives. If someone is unable to communicate well, it does not matter how brilliant or talented they are. They will not be able to live up to their full potential if they cannot present themselves well and adequately express their ideas. Communication skill is very essential because it usually makes or breaks our career. In work, communication skill is very important since we need to communicate with others and we need to deliver and get the right message. Because if we cant communicate effectively, people wont listen to what we have to say and we will have very limited career options. But we also shouldn’t forget about nonverbal communication. It is as important as verbal. It’s like two sides of a coin.
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Cross Cultural Management for Work Team-
Question: Discuss about theCross Cultural Management for Work Team. Answer: Introduction Cross cultural management defines the management of work team, which incorporates varying culture, preferences and practices of international business context (DesAutels et al., 2015). The study will discuss the cultural differences to be faced by a business person of Nepal, while he will be communicating and negotiating effectively in the business culture of Saudi Arabia. Apart from that, the study will also discuss the challenges faced the business person in cross cultural communication. Furthermore, the study will also prove some suitable recommendation to the business person towards effectively communication and negotiating in the business culture of Saudi Arabia. Cultural Differences between Nepal and Saudi Arabia The key culture differences between Nepal and Saudi Arabia can be clearly identified through Hofstede'scultural dimension theory and high and low context differences. This theory will explore the cultural differences between two countries which are most relevant for communication and negotiation. Power Distance Index Power distance index defines the extent to which less powerful employees of an organization accept or expect that organizational power is distributed unequally. While considering the business culture of Nepal, it can be found that the organization power in distributed equally among the organizational members. An equal distribution of organizational power can be seen among the organizational members of Nepal. On the other hand, Habbash and Habbash, (2016) opined that Saudi Arabia has high power distance index, where organizational power is unequally distributed among the organizational members. Low powerful organizational members are to accept the power of high powerful organizational members. Individualism VS collectivism Individualism VS collectivism dimension defines the degree to which the organizational members are integrated in a group (Khakhar Rammal, 2013). Individualistic society has loose ties, where the people are mostly prefer individualism manner. On the other hand, collectivist society has tightly integrated relationship among the people. According to Chibba, (2015), the organizations Nepal mostly follow collectivism cultural dimension. Moreover, the organizational members prefer to be in a group and their strength remains in group work. On the other hand, Salem, (2014) opined that the organizational in Saudi Arabia prefer individualist culture. In such culture, the organizational members mostly prefer to be in individualism manner. Therefore, group work is not much appreciated in the business culture of Saudi Arabia. Uncertainty Avoidance Index Uncertainty Avoidance Index dimension defined the degree of tolerance of the people in a society. Moreover, it assesses the degree to which the people in a particular society embrace or advert something that is unknown, unexpected or far away from the current status quo (Chibba, 2015). The organizations having high degree in this dimension opt for stiff code of behavior, guidelines, laws and absolute truth. On the other hand, organizations having low degree in this dimension are willing to accept innovative ideas, concepts and they are less imposed by stiff business guidelines. According to Shrestha, (2017), the organizations in Nepal are always willing to accept new business ideas and concepts for creating business innovation. Moreover, the organizational members are highly communicative with new people for having innovative business ideas. On the other hand, Jackson and Manderscheid, (2015) opined that the organizations of Saudi Arabia are having stiff code of rules and business gu idelines. They are not open up to new business thoughts and the organizational members are not flexible in communicating with new people. Masculinity and Femininity This dimension defines the preference of an organization towards achievement, heroism, material rewards and assertiveness. Organizations having masculinity culture have more preferences for modesty, quality of life and care for weak (Beugelsdijk et al., 2017). Women are not given much priority in such business culture. On the other hand, organizations having femininity culture are highly empathetic and have equal preference for both males and females. According to Poudel, (2017), the business culture in Nepal is highly feminine, where the female organizational members are given equal priority like their male counterparts. On the other hand, Welsh et al., (2014) opined that the business culture in Saudi Arabia is highly masculine, where female organizational members are not given much priority in business meetings and other business context. Long-Term Orientation vs. Short-Term Orientation This dimension explores the connection of past occurrence with the present and future actions. Organizations having low index in this dimension prefer traditional business concepts. However, organizations having high index in this dimension prefer adaption, circumstantial and adopt changes with dynamic business environment. According to Simkhada et al., (2013), the organizations in Nepal are highly adaptive and circumstantial. On the other hand, Khakhar and Rammal (2013) opined that organizations in Saudi Arabia are restricted to traditional business concepts. Indulgence vs. Restraint According to Gautam, (2015), the people in Nepal are always restraint and they control their gratification of needs by strict social norms. On the other hand, Aldraehim et al., (2013) opined that the people of Saudi Arabia are highly indulgent and prefer to enjoy life with full of fun. High and Low Context Differences This dimension refers to the degree of direct and indirect communication a particular culture uses in their internal dialogue. According to Shrestha, (2017), the business culture in Saudi Arabia is having high degree in this dimension, where the speakers relies on the receivers to have certain degree of pre-existing knowledge about the discussed business topic. On the other hand, Jackson and Manderscheid, (2015) opined that business entrepreneurs of Nepal clearly transmit precise and transparent message in the business meetings and negotiation process. Cross-Cultural Communication and Negotiation Analysis for Identifying Challenges Communication Issue The business person from Nepal can face huge problems in Saudi Arabia in regards to business communication. According to Simkhada et al., (2013), the main language of Nepal is Nepali, whereas, the main language of Saudi Arabia is Arabic. Therefore, the business person will face language issue in Saudi Arabia during the communication and negotiation process. On the other hand, Welsh et al., (2014) opined that the business entrepreneurs are highly assertive in their communication style. They mostly use high tone in their speech during business negotiation process. However, the business entrepreneurs of Nepal are not much accustomed with assertive tone in verbal communication. Therefore, the business person from Nepal can face high communication issue in business negotiation in Saudi Arabia. Challenges in Decision Making of Negotiation The business person from Nepal can face huge challenge in terms of making decisions in business negotiation. According to Gautam, (2015), the business persons in Saudi Arabia are highly stiff to the traditional rules and business ideas. They are not much reliant upon new and innovative business decisions. On the other hand, Habbash and Habbash, (2016) opined that the business persons are highly inclined towards adapting innovative business decision towards getting business success in dynamic business environment. In such situation, the business person from Nepal may face issues in decision making during the negotiation process with the business persons of Saudi Arabia. Conflicting Attitude towards Disclosure The business person from Nepal can face tough challenges in terms of conflicting attitude towards disclosure. According to Aldraehim et al., (2013), the business culture of Nepal is feminie, where the emotion of the people are considered oftentimes even in business negotiation. On the other hand, Salem, (2014) opined that the business culture of Saudi Arabia is highly masculine, where emotion is not considered during business negotiation process. They are only reliant on statistical fact for believing on the business process. Therefore, such strict mentality of the business person in Saudi Arabia may create problems for the business person from Nepal. Challenges in Building Trust The business person from Nepal may face huge issues in building trust with the business persons of Saudi Arabia. According to Chibba, (2015), the business persons from Nepal are quite flexible in making good relationship with new people and adopting new business ideas. However, DesAutels et al., (2015) opined that the business persons of Saudi Arabia are not much communicative with the new people and reluctant to trust on new persons. In such situation, the business person from Nepal will face tough challenges in building trusting relationship with the business persons of Saudi Arabia. It will ultimately hamper the communication and business negotiation process of the business person in Saudi Arabia. Challenges in Completing Tasks after Negotiation The business person from Nepal can also face tough challenges in completing the tasks during and after the negotiation process. According to Poudel, (2017), the business persons in Nepal are having low context in their business communication. Moreover, they communicate clear and precise information among all the organizational members, which speed up the competition of organizational tasks. On the other hand, Jackson and Manderscheid, (2015) opined that the business persons in Saudi Arabia are high context in business communication. Moreover, they share little information with the organizational information, which can mislead the actual business goals and delay the success of the negotiation process and ultimate business. Recommendation Cross Cultural Understanding The business person from Nepal should enhance his cultural understanding regarding the people of Saudi Arabia. The business person should first learn Arabic language for effectively communicating with the business persons of Saudi Arabia. Apart from that, the business person should also be aware of the values and norms of the people in Saudi Arabia. It will also help the business person in understanding the non verbal communication of the business persons in Saudi Arabia. Active Listening It is suggested for the business person from Nepal to actively listen to the business persons of Saudi Arabia. In this way, the business person from Nepal will better understand the business perspectives and business terms of Saudi Arabias business persons. Active listening will help both parties in the negotiation process to come an agree point quickly for successful business negotiation. Using Statistical Data in Business Negotiation From the cultural differences, it has been found that the business persons of Saudi Arabia are more reliant on statistical data of business rather than any emotional factor. Therefore, the business person from Nepal should always focus on the statistical data of business process during the negotiation process. It will help in developing high level of trust between both the parties. Using Diplomatic Attitude in Business Negotiation During the negotiation process, the business person should demonstrate diplomatic attitude over any cultural clash. Moreover, cultural clash is more likely to happen in differing business culture, which can even lead to cultural conflict in the business communication and negotiation process. Therefore, the business person from Nepal should demonstrate diplomatic attitude in cultural conflict even show more respect to the culture of Saudi Arabia. It will minimize the chance of cultural clash and lead to successful business negotiation. Conclusion While concluding the study, it can be said that the business culture of Nepal prefer group work, whereas the business culture of Saudi Arabia prefer individualism. Furthermore, the business persons of Nepal are open up to new business ideas and concepts. However, the business persons of Saudi Arabia prefer traditional business ideas. Therefore, the business person from Nepal can face decision making problems in Saudi Arabia. The business persons of Saudi Arabia are not much reliant on new business persons. Therefore, the business persons from Nepal can face huge issues in terms of building trustable relationship with the business persons of Saudi Arabia. Therefore, the business person from Nepal should enhance the cultural understanding about Saudi Arabia towards having effective business communication and negotiation. References Aldraehim, M., Edwards, S. L., Watson, J. A., Chan, T. (2013). Cultural impact on e-service use in Saudi Arabia: the need for interaction with other humans.International Journal of Advanced Computer Science,3(2). Beugelsdijk, S., Kostova, T., Roth, K. (2017). An overview of Hofstede-inspired country-level culture research in international business since 2006.Journal of International Business Studies,48(1), 30-47. Chibba, M. (2015). Contemporary perspectives on international business and culture.International Journal of Business and Globalisation,14(4), 408-419. DesAutels, P., Berthon, P., Caruana, A., Pitt, L. F. (2015). The impact of country connectedness and cultural values on the equity of a countrys workforce: A cross-country investigation.Cross Cultural Management,22(1), 2-20. Gautam, D. K. (2015). Strategic Human Resource Development: Shifting Paradigm in Nepalese Listed Companies.SDMIMD Journal of Management,6(2), 1-8. Habbash, M., Habbash, M. (2016). Corporate governance and corporate social responsibility disclosure: evidence from Saudi Arabia.Social Responsibility Journal,12(4), 740-754. Jackson, D., Manderscheid, S. V. (2015). A phenomenological study of Western expatriates adjustment to Saudi Arabia.Human Resource Development International,18(2), 131-152. Khakhar, P., Rammal, H. G. (2013). Culture and business networks: International business negotiations with Arab managers.International Business Review,22(3), 578-590. Poudel, J. (2017). Socio-Cultural Impact in Tourism: A Case Study of Sauraha, Nepal.Journal of Advanced Academic Research,1(2), 47-55. Salem, M. I. (2014). The role of business incubators in the economic development of Saudi Arabia.The International Business Economics Research Journal (Online),13(4), 853. Shrestha, B. K. (2017). Religious Ethics and Socially Responsible Behaviors of Small Firms in Nepal.Journal of Religion and Business Ethics,3(2), 5. Simkhada, P. P., Shyangdan, D., van Teijlingen, E. R., Kadel, S., Stephen, J., Gurung, T. (2013). Womens knowledge of and attitude towards disability in rural Nepal.Disability and rehabilitation,35(7), 606-613. Welsh, D. H., Memili, E., Kaciak, E., Al Sadoon, A. (2014). Saudi women entrepreneurs: A growing economic segment.Journal of Business Research,67(5), 758-762.
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Hamlet And Ophelia Essays (608 words) - Characters In Hamlet
Hamlet And Ophelia Ophelia is a beautiful and simple-minded woman, easily molded by the more powerful opinions and desires of others. The thoughts of her father and her brother influenced her the most. The love letters from Hamlet also swayed her opinions and confused her mind. Ophelia wasn't able to realize herself because of all the pressures exerted on her to be something she's not. That weakness of mind and will, which permitted her obedience to her father and thus destroyed her hope for Hamlet's love, finally resulted in her insanity and death. When her father had challenged the honor of Hamlet's intentions, Ophelia could only reply "I do not know, my lord, what I should think" (III, iii). Used to relying upon her father's direction and brought up to be obedient, she can only accept her father's belief, seconded by that of her brother, that Hamlet's "holy vows" of love were simply designed for her seduction. She was to obey her father's orders not to permit Hamlet to see her again. Her father also wanted to prove Hamlet's madness to the king. He used Ophelia as bait so he and the king could listen to Hamlet's words. Ophelia willingly obliged to her father's desires. By not thinking for herself and only doing as her father wished, she ruined her chances of love with Hamlet. Hamlet put pressure on Ophelia by expecting her to surpass his mother's shortcomings and be an epitome of womankind. He searched her innocent face for some sign of loving truth that might restore his faith in her. He took her mute terror for a sign of her guilt and found her to be a false person, like his mother. In his letter to her, he addressed the letter to "the most beautified Ophelia" and he terminated the letter with "I love thee best, O most best, believe it" (II, ii). He used the word "beautified" to display a sincere tribute, and it is apparent he still loves her. His attempts to win her affection are not triumphant. Ophelia is still too much under the influence of her father to question his wisdom or authority, and she has no mind of her own to understand how much she has made her lover suffer. No matter how much it pained her to not see Hamlet, all she could see in his present behavior is the madness that terrified her. Ophelia's insanity was a mixture of love and hate caused by her father and Hamlet. An example of hate is when she sings about a "baker's daughter"(IV, v). Ophelia is referring to the way her father used to treat her before the tragic incident of his death. The love within her madness is when she speaks about the events on "Valentine's Day"(IV, v). When Ophelia speaks about Valentines Day she is referring to the events of romance that she was denied. Ophelia's madness is brought on by her lack of being able to demonstrate any maturity in trying to cope with her losses and in return can only inflict her madness on the court. Abused by her lover, and bereft of her father's protection she loses control of her mind. In her insane state she came to believe that the seduction her family tried so hard to protect her from has passed. Her father's admission of error might have embittered a more independent Ophelia. This explains Hamlets rejection of her. Being tormented of scenes of death and the burial, she reaches out to the beauty of hanging flowers in a willow tree and somehow drowns. Ophelia was never able to understand exactly what Hamlet was suffering from, and in a way he created a situation for her to relate; death of a father and betrayal by a loved one. Hamlet managed to rise above insanity and feelings of suicide, but her weaker spirit could not hold the burden.
Friday, March 6, 2020
1 Berkey Research Paper
1 Berkey Research Paper 1 Berkey Research Paper Berkey 1 Kirsten Berkey Mrs. Stoltz English 9 AT/H  1 9 March 2015 Legal Drinking Age: Continuing the Legacy Every year, nine hundred adolescents below the age of twenty one would be buried because of traffic related accidents as a result of a lower drinking age at eighteen (â€Å"The Debate†). Young adults are just beginning their lives with so much potential for the future. A lower drinking age heightens the potential for young people to destroy their future opportunities. Lately, contrasting views on changing the minimum legal drinking age to eighteen have erupted into the news. Individuals feel the current legal drinking age is outdated because eighteen year olds receive all their rights except the right to drink. They also believe a lower drinking age would help young adults drink more responsibly and in a controlled setting. Others view the current law as a safety net to prevent the amount of deaths that are the result of alcohol use or abuse. Changing the legal drinking age to eighteen is not an option because of the effects of alcohol on brain development, alcohol related problems in the future for individuals who use alcohol at a younger age, and a higher amount of fatalities on the highway. A lower drinking age disrupts brain development in adolescents and young adults that has detrimental effects on brain functionality as a lifelong result. Researchers have come to the conclusion that excessive alcohol use can disrupt the growth of new brain cells or neurons that grow until adulthood in a process called neurogenesis (â€Å"Alcohol’s†). Resulting in the extended loss found in necessary regions inside the brain including the hippocampal function and structure in late adolescence (â€Å"Alcohol’s†). This evidence signifies the destruction Berkey 2 associated with younger alcohol use which causes more brain damage that would disturb the growth process into adulthood. In addition, the effects of alcohol use can hinder an individual's brain tissues and hurt the part of the brain that controls memories, thinking and emotions leading to perpetual changes in the brain that can require life custodial care (Wagner 14, 42). Examples like these clearly show the consequences of alcohol altering the brain beyond repair. With the drinking age kept at twenty one, it decreases the chance for more damage to be done that is permanent. A higher drinking age protects altercations in the minds of intellectually thriving young people. Furthermore, lowering the drinking age does not teach young people to drink more responsibly and increases the chances of young adults to have alcohol related problems in the future . Compared to adolescents who waited until they were twenty one to drink, a study has been conducted that noticed eighteen year olds were nearly twice as likely as twenty one year olds to engage in a physical fight and be unintentionally injured after consuming alcohol (Kiesbye 15). This research demonstrates the fact that underage alcohol consumption has huge effects on the health and safety of an individual and community. Lowering the drinking age to eighteen causes a higher amount of potential risks for being injured. In addition, alcohol is a factor in twenty eight percent of college dropouts. By allowing the legal drinking age to eighteen, there is a possibility more young people would drop out of college ("Apecsec†). Varied individuals believe that lowering the drinking age to eighteen will teach teens to drink and act more responsibly with the use of alcohol. Statistics emphasize otherwise, as adolescents would make unwise decisions that could negatively affect their future career and lifestyle options with the ability to obtain alcohol. Naturally, a lower drinking age has no place in our society as it causes unnecessary risks for injuries and the possibility to negatively affect the consumer’s future affairs. Berkey 3 Most importantly, a lower drinking age
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