Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Experience In Giving Oral Care
Involvement with Giving Oral Care Reflection is the way toward checking on an involvement with request to depict examine, assess thus educate finding out about training (Reid 1993).This exposition will ponder the significance of; and the experience I picked up while giving oral consideration on an understudy position recreation utilizing an intelligent model. Jamieson et al (2002) accept mouth care is the utilization of a toothbrush and glue to assist patients with recouping and diminish danger of diseases, impart better, eat all the more effectively and look after nobility. However, it is additionally a job which again and again appointed to human services associates. I picked this zone to feature its need and the extent of chances in learning it has given in improving my abilities by and by. There are various models of reflection one of which is Gibbs (1988). On this event, Gibbs model will be utilized as a system in managing me, since it centers around various parts of an encounter and emotions, and misusing it completely will be progressively valued. Portrayal I was a piece of a position reenactment bunch which went to the multi-aptitudes research center to rehearse mouth wash. I was doled out a partner to brush his teeth utilizing a toothbrush and glue. I put on gloves to forestall defilement with body liquid. Looking for his assent, I attempted a briefâ visual evaluation ofâ the wellbeing status of his mouth. I at that point put him in an agreeable position in order to endure the wash. From there on, I cleaned all-round the mouth, gums and tongue. I polished off with mouthwash. I treatedâ my accomplice as if he was truly incapable to hold the brush himselfâ to scour his own teeth, however he had the option to speak with me and had the option to help me as far as spitting and swishing with water toward the finish of the methodology. Sentiments My quick concern was I had not brushed anyones teeth outside of my family previously and henceforth, how my accomplice will act (Dowling, 2006). Albeit alert and honorable, I felt in giving mouth care, both the carer and patient are placed into a condition of vulnerability, shame, deficiency and a feeling of meddling to their protection (Lewis, 2006; Sturdy, 2007). I got powerless with his outward appearance demonstrated no trust in me. Rungapadiachy (1999) characterizes trust as being straightforward, open, earnest, supporting and trustworthy, certifiable, warm and tolerating. Our response put us on the high score size of Millon (1994), Hesitating (Reticent) example of conduct. Regardless of my interests, I felt agreeable in finishing the errand. Assessment Considering or in real life is turning into an extraordinary learning instrument This experience instructed me that, oral consideration gives any attendant a perfect chance to embrace an intensive physical, passionate and psychological evaluation of a patient (DOH, 2001). I was satisfied to find that, no wounds were continued as I checked mouth earlier and after. Likewise, I was satisfied my relational abilities improved and the helpful relationship developed; and with the information I got from supporting writing framed the establishment of my learning and practice. Burnard (2002) proposes that a student is an aloof beneficiary of got information, and that learning through movement connects the entirety of our faculties. From his criticism, I comprehended input is a significant learning apparatus. One critical point to originate from some ongoing examination (Burke, 2009) is that numerous understudies don't have the foggiest idea how to utilize input the same number of have never been instructed how to do as such. In any case, the experience features the intricate issues I need to tackle practically speaking and the arrangement of care needs to patients for whom I might not have had contact with previously. In spite of the fact that this errand caused me distress and included weight for the time being, I understand that it was an extremely huge occasion in my investigations. Examination WHO (2010) portrays a sound mouth as being liberated from incessant mouth and facial torment; and helping patients/administration clients to meet their cleanliness needs is an essential part of nursing care (Essence of Care, 2003). In 2007, half UK grown-ups went to a NHS dental specialist. More established individuals in private homes were in danger of disease, with contamination recognized in 80% of one examination populace (Holman et al, 2005). The consideration of a patients mouth shapes a significant segment of helping cleanliness needs but is a part of training which isn't constantly managed the consideration it completely merits (Evans, 2001).It is currently certain that, mouth care is significant and that, medical attendants have a job in surveying and looking after it (Malkin, 2009). The errand distinguished urging individuals to recognize their natural limit encourages them to value their qualities and shortcomings (SWOT). Jasper (2003) sees SWOT examination as becoming acquainted with ones self. The comprehension of our aptitudes and capacities and the familiarity with where our cutoff points lie is viewed as pivotal to having the option to go about as an expert specialist. My certainty developed and got increasingly intrigued, urging him to do as much as could be expected under the circumstances. Jackson and Mannix (2001) note that measure of premium the medical caretaker appears in the adapting needs of the understudy and the key job the person in question plays in their accomplishment are basic to the understudies advancement. End I feel that the entire procedure went on easily. Thinking about a patient requires a relationship and sympathy. By creating community oriented relationship with patients, I can give expeditious and centered intercessions which can restrain sickness. Regardless, it has brought issues to light the impacts of others on my training. Activity Plan Right now, I read a bigger number of books a day than training. My point is to be proactive later on by quickly opening up through all out interest and accomplishing more practices on standard premise. I plan to build up the ability of passionate versatility to have the option to convey and get any consideration or learning movement by keeping journals of occasions and thinking about them. End My conviction currently is brushing teeth releases and expels garbage caught in the spaces and forestalls the development of plaque which habours microbes and that; medical caretakers have a task to carry out in mouth care. Because of my absence of involvement with care and the activity title of understudy nurture, I saw that most meetings would run in a talk design. I presently accept down to earth aptitudes improvement utilizing reflection is as significant as talk educational cost in spite of the fact that, Quinn (2000) accepts most understudies and numerous experts note that taking in procured from position experience is substantially more important and pertinent than that gained in the talk room. The way toward learning I experienced is more mind boggling than Gibbs proposes. It isn't as patterned as this model infers and I wound up hopping or joining a few phases, before returning. Be that as it may, it has removed me from my usual range of familiarity, testing my reasoning.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Dramatic interest Essay Example
Sensational intrigue Essay Example Sensational intrigue Essay Emotional intrigue Essay Exposition Topic: Amadeus How does Shaffer heaps of the plays verifiable foundation to upgrade its emotional intrigue? Consider: The period where the play is set Its setting Vienna The foundation of Court Life The occasions in Amadeus occur in the eighteenth and nineteen century. Vienna is the capital of a far reaching realm. It is the focal point of the melodic world, some place apparently ideal for a virtuoso of music. We are quickly acquainted with Viennas residents who themselves are likewise a crowd of people to the situations that develop. The rulers taste in music is shallow; Salieris straightforward sytheses are perfect as they make no interest on the illustrious ear.Mozarts music is in this manner unreasonably trying for a man of such moderation. Mozarts unutterably wonderful music is just depicted as having such a large number of notes. This unmistakably shows they just can't fathom the greatness of Mozarts music as music can't have such a large number of notes. Verifiably, the play is set in the Age of Reason. Individuals in this period in a general sense accept that common convictions were a higher priority than sincere belief, and accordingly open life made a difference more than private life. Considering this we can legitimately differentiate along these lines of existence with what Mozart carries to Vienna.Our introductory gathering with him gives us his total dismissal to social manne rs and a character absolutely incredible for his time. Mozart shows no feeling of dithering to submit sexual acts in a library. Straightforwardly stood out from this wild character is Salieri. Salieri encapsulates the way of life in the Age of Reason, his traditionalist method of living is uncovered both explicitly and musically. It is in these two fields where Mozart is shown so imaginatively, Ill need everything in reverse, once Im wedded I would need to lick my wifes arse rather than her face.Salieri performs basic music for the Emperors non-requesting ear and his significant other is portrayed as his household buddy with an absence of fire. Mozart is supposed to be set in the Romantic time frame. This culture is predominately focussed on free discourse. There is additionally a component of immediacy. This is appeared by Mozart in the library scene where he says wed me. Another significant Romantic motivation is the thought of carpe diem. This way to live for the occasion, and not plan for what's to come. We experience this when we see Salieri making a guarantee with God and organizing his prospects.Mozart then again ignores request and structure and has a kid when he obviously doesnt have the psychological limit and unexpectedly the fund to do as such. Since the Age of Reason accepts that pledge to decency helped safeguard societys significant good norms, the Establishment are hostile to Mozart. This new unrest represents everything that their way of life is against. In view of this it makes the belief system of new versus old. Society is troubled to acknowledge another wonder to break their show in light of the fact that nobody likes to risk change. This subject is flawlessly communicated in Amadeus.Paradoxically it is the lower class residents who are the ones who comprehend Mozarts music. This could be indicating that maybe there is something else entirely to a virtuoso that meets the eye. Possibly that virtuoso is subjective depending on each person's preferences and that your status holds no inclination on whether you can really include the intricacy of something as huge as Mozarts music. Notwithstanding the contention between the verifiable divisions combined into this time, there is a message that the two of them required one another. Salieri required Mozart so he could start to get reality and how life isnt reasonable when Mozart required Salieri so as to get cash for his music.All genuine shows written in this century are exhausting. This shows Mozart plainly communicating anyway he needs. Its provocative idea shows how he talks what he thinks and conflicts with the traditionalist method of concurring cordially. For instance, Joseph says, Have I revealed to you this previously? what's more, the Establishment all answer No your highness when in reality he has. Because of the lying demeanor of the court and to a great extent Salieri it makes the impression of him figuratively wearing a veil as a method of concealing the truth.As Mozart is such an untouchable in this bogus society it makes the passing of him appear to be inescapable; yet we feel frustrated about him as it is generally social orders flaw for not aside from him. After this discourse we see Salieri and Orsini-Rosenberg to some degree joining forces against Mozart. This fits in with the possibility of the individuals inside the Age of Reason act together as a major aspect of a network. Anyway this is an extremely malevolent method of battling Mozart. Amusingly they are a general public spun around the possibility of reasonableness, yet they are being sufficiently inconsiderate to talk in Italian when within the sight of Von Strack who can't comprehend it.Orsini-Rosenberg detaches a few pages of Mozarts original copies. This shows both authentic foundations dont comprehend what is correct and what's going on. Mozart doesnt see how to get by in the public eye, this is on the grounds that he is comparatively radical, where Salieri doesnt comprehend moral impediments and takes his desire excessively far. Shaffer examines the two different ways of life and is maybe demonstrating that since life isnt reasonable we are never going to have an ideal society. Murdering Mozart didnt make Salieri better at music.
Van Creveld. Fate of the State Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Van Creveld. Destiny of the State - Essay Example This in any case, changed when in the ascent of innovation; rulers developed and gradually took over force and authority from the nearby masters. The rise of the rulers consequently, established a framework for country states. In the nineteenth Century, the advanced country state, which is coordinated, was built up first in the European world. Be that as it may, the 1648 tranquility of Westphalia is the most significant perspective in the foundation of the country state, as it took into account the sway of the country state. The country state today is very nearly decrease, on account of the powers of globalization and devolution, which have diminished its sway. The country state was viewed as the predominant social element on the planet beginning the mid-nineteenth Century, as the state and society were essentially converged to become one substance. Notwithstanding, numerous progressions occurring on the planet have prompted changes in the strength of the country state as the most co mpelling social substance. The social transformation that started in the West affected the idea of the country state. Other significant components that influenced the country state incorporate the global socialist developments, expanded opportunity of capital exchange across worldwide fringes, and political, social, and monetary brokenness in previous provinces of Asia and Africa. By the start of the 1990’s, the job of the country state was decreased because of various worldwide powers (Creveld, 1999). The eventual fate of the country state is unsure today. There are various elements that have been liable for the lessening significance of the country state. These are globalization and transnationalism, and devolution. Globalization has prompted the separating of national limits, as various nations would now be able to cooperate monetarily, socially, and strategically. Globalization has cleared path for transnationalism, and it is foreseen that in future, there may be a transn ational government. Transnationalism today happens at the political level. Universal associations, for example, the World Trade Organization and the United Nations are answerable for transnationalism, as they give financial security and military insurance to an assortment of helpless nations. Then again, the European Union has separated every single national limit in its part states, clearing path for significant levels of collaboration (Creveld, 1999). Devolution has been received by different countries today. This awards force and power to the nearby government and not the focal government. This is the reason the procedure is called devolution, as force is detracted from the focal government, and offered back to the nearby government. At the point when the focal government, which is center of the state, loses power, the sway of the state diminishes. In the event that these patterns of globalization and devolution persevere, there are potential outcomes that a transnational governm ent will supplant the country state. Nonetheless, the truth will surface eventually what's in store for the country state (Creveld, 1999). As indicated by Creveld (1996), the capacity of the state to battle others for self-protection is on the decay. This is a proof that the capacity of the country state is gradually blurring. At first, resistance was among the fundamental purposes behind the development of the country state. Inability to play out that today is an away from of its decrease. The occasions of French Revolution in the eighteenth Century and mechanical upset started transnationalism, which is dependable today for the decay of the country st
Friday, August 21, 2020
Coyote Community College Essay
This paper will in general talk about the and survey the sorts of measures remembered for every viewpoint of the Coyote Community College, for example, Funder/budgetary point of view, Student/member point of view, Internal Process point of view, and Innovation and procedure point of view. What's more, this audit paper additionally examines about how these said viewpoints are estimated based from the portrayal of the school and even the college’s condition. The Funder/Financial view incorporates the measures: State incomes ? Educational cost and expenses incomes ? Award and establishment subsidizing ? direct costs (Evans and 2007) The Student/Participant see incorporates the measures: Enrollment ? % of the citizen’s taking an interest in programs and furthermore occasions ? Understudy objective accomplishment ? Number of understudies finishing their word related degree and authentication programs ? passing rates on licensure and Certification tests ? Testament programs ? Understudy accomplishment at move foundations ? Graduate arrangement rate ? Graduate hourly wrath ? New Mexico state competency assessment pass rates ? Understudy determination ? course fruition rate ? % Technology conveyed contributions ? Responsiveness to demand for courses and workshops ? Understudy/partner fulfillment with programs and instructional administrations (Evans and 2007) The Internal Process see incorporates the measures: High worth substance of educational plans ? Process duration for educational plans improvement ? Usage of individualized learning ? Student contribution in dynamic learning ? Essential abilities improvement ? Accomplishment of program capabilities ? ESL/Remedial groundwork for school qualification ? Access for underserved bunches ? Understudy fulfillment with understudy administrations ? Understudy fulfillment with help process The Innovation and Resource see incorporates the measures: Faculty/Staff fulfillment reviews ? Personnel/Staff maintenance ? ESL mastery ? Preparing and improvement in key territories ? Personnel and Staff innovation apparatus accessibility ? Interest in innovation to help learning programs (Evans and 2007) How measures are made So as to put the contributions for estimating every one of the Coyote Community Colleges’ points of view, they utilizes the â€Å"LEARN Philosophy†which fundamentally represents Learning Excellence, Assessment, and Recognize Needs (Evans and 200). The reasonable scorecard that they use is known as the LEARN board. It is clarified that the institution’s partners are spoken to in spite of the fact that the four points of view of the LEARNing board, since it is systemized in this sort of estimation, the administration group can adjust the entirety of its stakeholder’s needs (Evans and 2007). So as to make and complete these measures on every single point of view, the Vice President and the Dean of Instruction leads a month to month meeting with the administrators of the diverse offices’ reports. They do this to pick up the reports in regards to with the advancement audits towards their specific objectives (Evans and 200). On the least complex clarification, the genuine of the establishment are obliged to present their yearly report to the Leadership Team, who then again, sums up all the exhibition made. This exhibition incorporates the important learning board measures during the present scholastic year. Accordingly, so as to do the systemized estimating, the organization gathers all the information from every single genuine, and afterward sums up it to make sense of whether they did or didn't meet their institution’s objective. They base their estimating from all their institution’s points of view. References Evans, J. R. , and , W. M. L. (2007). Overseeing for Quality and Performance Excellence (seventh ed. ): Thomson South-Western.
Thursday, August 13, 2020
The Ultimate Recognition
The Ultimate Recognition I got an e-mail the other day from a deferred applicant, who said that getting into MIT would have been the ultimate recognition of all the effort Ive poured into everything in my life thus far. I sympathize I know how it feels to pour a lot of yourself into something, and not see it pay off in the way you expect, or hope. Its very painful. And embarrassing. One of the worst parts is when people who believe in you ask SO HOW DID IT GO??? and you have to break the news, when really youd rather curl up in bed and put your shades down and never look anyone in the eye again. And then, over empty tubs of ice cream and a carpet covered with tissues, wonder why you bothered to work so hard when it didnt pay off anyway. I sympathize, but as someone who has made this mistake infinitely many times in the past, continues to do so now, and probably will be unable to avoid doing so in the future I dont believe that trying to define what ultimate recognition is, under ANY circumstances, the right attitude. An example. In High School, I was the captain of my robotics team. I joined the team as a freshman because my eighth grade science teacher encouraged me to. I was very ambitious: I wanted to become team captain, I wanted to lead us from success to success, I wanted to help us bring in money from sponsors, and win the most prestigious awards that FIRST offers its teams. I worked my butt off, and the first part of my dream came true I became captain my junior year. I wrote essays for our awards applications, was on the drive team at the regionals. Well! you say. You got into MIT, so obviously all those things happened, because MIT only accepts the most flawless human beings on the planet. NO! We never won a regional, never won those awards; I was heartbroken and felt like a failure. Worse, I hadnt only let myself down, but I had let an entire team down. When I graduated and passed over the reins, I wondered what the heck the point was. Winning a regional, winning a Chairmans Award that would have been the ultimate recognition of all the effort Id put into that team during High School. Sure, the team had gone from 10 people to something like a 60-strong operation and sure, Id spent a bunch of time mentoring middle school kids in Robotics, and yeah, maybe that second grader I tutored LOVED it when I showed him our robot but I didnt think about any of that, because I had a very specific idea of what ultimate recognition meant, and I didnt get it, and I was disappointed. My robotics team is kicking butt now. They won the entrepreneurship award last year. They built a spectacular robot, and made it to the semifinals for the first time in our teams history. And I realize, only now, when Im no longer on the team, that all my hard work was part of a picture bigger than myself: the payoff wasnt on as short of a time scale as I had expected, or hoped. The ultimate recognition is not ultimate at all, because it will continue: my work and the work of everything who has ever been on that team is constantly being recognized, long after weve left. Another example. One of my best friends in High School always wanted to go to Hogwarts (college name pseudonym, for privacy.) Since Middle School, or something. She had a Hogwarts sweater, and said that everything she did, she did for one result: get into Hogwarts. She didnt get into Hogwarts. She cried. A lot. We brought her flowers. She asked us WHY she put in all that work, what the point was. It broke our hearts, because she was obviously blind to the fact that she had become a brilliant writer, photographer, journalist skills that would obviously serve her wherever she ended up going to college (shes now doing some crazy awesome study abroad program) and beyond that as well. She defined what ultimate recognition would be, and didnt get it. Her work is paying off in a different way although its not the way she expected or hoped. And it will continue to pay off, even though that Hogwarts sweater is in some garbage heap somewhere. A final example. In High School, I (and all of my friends here at MIT) were academic rockstars; we got straight As, we were valedictorians, we won lots of awards, etc. I came to expect that hard work paid off in a specific way. I work hard - I receive external validation by getting an A. I work hard, demonstrate my enthusiasm for a subject - I receive external validation by winning an award. The result: some of us became dependent on those to feel good about ourselves. One friend says that at the beginning of a program, he looks at the awards they hand out at the end, then tries to shape his choices and behavior to fit the criteria for winning that award. Thats really sad. Hes won so many awards over his life that somehow winning awards is a requirement for feeling good about himself; the thought of no longer doing so is totally unbearable. And now he doesnt always act the way he wants to act, because he wants to be recognized in the way hes used to being recognized. I should add that, as disturbing as that probably sounds to you, its the same attitude that drives people to e-mail me with questions like WHAT MUST I DO TO BE ACCEPTED TO MIT??? The answer is: NOT ASK QUESTIONS LIKE THAT. That is the wrong. question. just like reading the award description and molding yourself after what you imagine a winner would be like is the WRONG. APPROACH. NO. DONT DO THAT. I think I sort of had that approach in mind when I got to MIT. Id gotten so many As and won so many awards that I had a hard time tearing my attention from the results I wanted. Then I got here, stopped getting straight As, stopped winning awards, stopped being top of my class, and woah. The foundation of my self-confidence basically disappeared. That happens to a lot of people: we have to rebuild our self-confidence out of tougher stuff than grades or class rank, because we are not longer the smart kid or the nerdy kid because EVERYONE here is smart and nerdy. And thats a really good thing, I think. A final story. And the reason why I was thinking about all this. I just did poorly on my Quantum II final. I also did poorly on the midterm, way back in October, and it was important to me for a lot of reasons that I ace this test. Did I study hard? Yes. Did I do every problem they suggested we do in preparation? Yes. Did I do all the homework? Yes. Did I attend all office hours I could possibly attend? Yes. I even crutched to office hours in the rain, once. Was there anything more I could have done? Probably, but there always is you can always look back and say I SHOULD HAVE DONE MORE! but thats just cruel. I think its unreasonable and a little unhealthy to expect 100% efficiency out of yourself. So, what was the point of all the work I put into that class this semester? WHY did I crutch to office hours in the rain? I did it for a specific result: I wanted an A in that class. I would have liked recognition of all the work I put into it. And now Im probably not going to get that. And last night, it was a huge crisis and the end of the world and MY FUTURE IS RUINED and THIS IS THE UNIVERSE TELLING ME NOT TO BE A PHYSICIST and WHY DO I EVER TRY EVER WHEN IM NOT EVEN GOING TO GET EXTERNAL VALIDATION OF MY HARD WORK. And then I talked to two French House alums, both of whom had their serious academic struggles here and are doing just fine. They both told me that whatever grade I get in this class: its really not going to matter when I look back in a couple of years. Another of my friends here told me something similar: its going to be fine, it will work out, blah blah blah, all the things that are totally impossible for me to realize at this stage because I am so freaking short-si ghted. At this point, though, this kind of disappointment feels familiar. It feels like looking up at the scoreboard and seeing that our Robotics team lost. It feels like listening for my name at an awards ceremony and not hearing it called. It feels like how Im sure my friend felt when that letter from Hogwarts brought unwelcome and unexpected news. I worked hard for a specific kind of validation and reward, and I didnt get it. But I have things to look forward to. Next semester I will take Quantum III, which is sort of the capstone of this quantum series, filled with awesome applications of all the crazy math techniques weve been learning. I KNOW I learned a lot in Quantum II, even if it wont show up that way on my transcript. But it will make Quantum III awesome, and lets be real how many people can go around saying they know advanced quantum physics? Whatever I become a teacher, a researcher I will be glad I took this class, and I will be glad I worked hard, and it will pay off. The grade is not the ultimate recognition of that. I didnt work the entire semester for one grade. I worked the entire semester for what will follow after this semester, the same way that high school seniors have worked for 17 or 18 years for what will follow those 17 or 18 years; Acceptance To Dream College is just another thing that happens (or doesnt) along the way, and honestly will not turn out to make that big of a diff erence in the long run. On December 22, I fly back home to London for the first time in a YEAR. My mom is wonderful and familiar with my love of theatre, and bought tickets to Richard III, Kiss Me Kate, and Cabaret. She is also familiar with my love of food, and arranged an outing for posh afternoon tea. My friend Davie, who graduated last year, is currently taking a year to study math in Berlin, and is going to stay with my family for a few days right around New Years. Were going to take a tour of Hampton Court palace; way back in my youth, I had the free time to spend weekends roaming through the Hampton Court hedge maze, and eventually had the correct path memorized. Then itll be 2013, which is hard to believe. On January 3, I fly back to Boston for a few days, see the doctor to find out whether my toe is recovering properly, then fly to Los Angeles on January 6th for the American Astronomical Societys annual winter conference. Ill present a poster on my pulsar research from the summer, and do my best to charm the other astronomers. Ill visit friends in San Francisco, fly back to Boston, do research for a couple of weeks, then fly to China to teach for five days. When disappointment catches up with me and Im no longer able to maintain perspective about how much one particular incident will matter to my life in the long run, I like to concentrate on all the things Im excited about. I know that all this is easy for me to say, because IM AT MIT! and MY LIFE MUST BE AWESOME! and WHAT MORE IS THERE TO LIFE THAN GETTING INTO MIT? but let me tell you, we all suffer our fair share of disappointments and failures; do yourself a favor, and learn how to move on from those experiences without beating yourself up. That will serve you much more faithfully in the long run than a particular college acceptance. I know a few very tightly-strung, low-self-confidence MIT students, who sadly havent learned yet how to mentally forgive themselves for what they consider failure, and havent yet managed to detach self-worth from the various forms of external validation theyve become accustomed to. Also, as a last, semi-unrelated note; Ive gotten a few e-mails recently from prospectives saying thank you for posting so often! which makes me a little guilty. I dont want to give the illusion that, against my will, I drag myself to the blogging interface and bang posts out in an act of self-sacrifice for all the loyal readers. Yes, this is a job, and I respect it as such but its also an outlet, and this might sound selfish but I think that I post as much for myself as I do for the prospectives. When Im stressed out, its relaxing to come here and tell a story so, really, I should thank you for reading. Blogging is also an excellent form of procrastination. So excuse me while I go study for my 18.06 (Linear Algebra) final.
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